FIVE candidates are running for one seat to represent the Cerberus ward at Mornington Peninsula Shire council for the next four years. The Cerburus ward includes Tuerong, Merricks North, Balnarring, Bittern, Hastings, Crib Point and Tyabb.
Ballot papers are being mailed out to voters by the Victorian Electoral Commission ahead of Mornington Peninsula Shire elections on 22 October. Voters should return completed ballot papers well before a final deadline of Friday 21 October, 6pm.
Voters who have not received a ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call the VEC on 8619 1615 to arrange a replacement.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Hastings.
What is your occupation? Owner Ace Oven Repair and main “Oven man” for the peninsula.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Main issue is the credibility of the council and councillors and its ability to finalise decisions.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
I’m independent. I only decided to run for council when I saw the ad in your paper saying all residents can apply.

What suburb do you live in?
We don’t use the term “suburbs” to describe our country towns and coastal villages on the Mornington Peninsula. But I can confirm that, upon retiring from the Navy in 2008, I purchased a house in Mt Eliza and have been living there ever since. Whilst some people appear to have concerns about councillors (or candidates) who don’t physically reside in the wards they represent, I believe that this is a ‘spurious’ argument as my record of community consultation, attendance at meetings with residents and events and almost daily ‘patrolling’ of the Ward attests.
What is your occupation? I am a full-time councillor and I estimate that I devote approximately 50 hours per week to this important representational task.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
The biggest issue that this and all other councils in Victoria need to tackle right now is how to meet community and ratepayer expectations for the delivery of services and new or improved infrastructure when rate increases have been capped at CPI levels. Whilst this Shire has been able to maintain its existing high level of services and infrastructure spending in the first year of ‘rate capping’ by simply tightening its belt and restructuring, with no ‘fat’ left to be trimmed, this will not be possible in the years beyond. It will thus be necessary for the Shire to make some tough decisions that will not always be welcomed by our community.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
No. I believe it is totally inappropriate for councillors to have political affiliations. We must be prepared to ‘take-on’ federal or state politicians (of any persuasion) in order to try and get the best deal for our community.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
Although I could name many, I think that it was my successful application of pressure on the Shire to finalise the long-overdue strategic planning for the future development of the Hastings CBD and its coastline. This involved a massive amount of community consultation that I was happy to lead.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
Despite all my advocacy, community consultation, analysis of all the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ and input to the Shire’s submissions to various ‘think-tanks’ and enquiries, I was extremely disappointed when all the hard work of the Port of Hastings Development Authority was stopped in its tracks after the last state government elections. I am still of the opinion that an environmentally responsible expansion of port operations on the land to the north of Hastings is not only possible, but also desperately needed for Victoria’s (and the local region’s) long-term prosperity.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Somers.
What is your occupation? I am a child and family psychologist.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
To ensure appropriate planning decisions that are transparent and based on community consultation in order to conserve the unique village atmosphere.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I am a true independent candidate and have never been a member or associated with a political party.
Candidate Kate Roper did not respond to emailed questions.