PATIENTS and staff at Peninsula Health’s The Mornington Centre have made a poppy trail for the Mornington Secondary College’s WWI avenue of honour as part of the school’s Anzac Day celebrations.
“I think it’s very clever and it’s nice to do something in remembrance of Anzac Day,” said patient Audrey Whelan.
Jenny Mann, of Mornington, encouraged patients at the centre to get involved, along with students from local schools and visitors to the store, as she wanted to “do something special” to commemorate Anzac Day. “I wanted to get different members of the community involved so it’s a community poppy trail.”
The poppies are made from plastic and fabric. Patients traced the outline of the flower onto the felt, cut it out and created the poppy, then weaved them all together to create the trail.
“It’s been a good project to be involved in,” Peninsula Health diversional therapist Maureen Donovan said. “Everyone has really enjoyed it and over the past two months lots of different patients have had a go at making the poppies.”