There will be no love lost between these two brothers after one allegedly tried to impersonate the other after being caught drink driving in Frankston South Friday 2 March.
Frankston police intercepted the 23-year-old driver on Frankston Flinders Road after the vehicle he was driving was found to be unregistered about 5pm.
Upon inspection, the vehicle was found to be unroadworthy and the driver was unlicensed.
During the intercept, the driver initially tried to convince police that he was actually his brother.
The Hastings man provided a positive roadside breath test but refused to accompany police to gauge just how allegedly intoxicated he was.
He is expected to be charged on summons with stating a false name, unlicensed driving, driving an unregistered and unroadworthy vehicle and refusimg to accompany police for a breath test.
Source: Victoria Police News: Saturday, 3 March 2018