POETRY soiree Poet’s Corner is taking part in the Melbourne Spoken Word and Poetry Festival on Sunday 27 May as part of the inaugural Melbourne Spoken Word & Poetry Festival. It will run Friday 18 May-Sunday 3 June at various venues.
Poet ReVerse Butcher, which is Stephanie Petrik’s stage name, will perform on stage, 6-8pm, at Blue Bay Cafe, McCrae. She also makes artist’s books, collages and visual art, as well as writing, creating and performing poetry.
Poet’s Corner aims to encourage anyone interested to write, read, perform or listen to poetry. Visitors wine, dine, and hear poetry during the open mic sets.
The gatherings are held on the last Sunday of every month, March to November.
Blue Bay Cafe is at 665 Point Nepean Road, on the corner of Beverley Road. It is fully licensed. The $26 entry includes a set menu of main and dessert, or a $5 cover charge.
Bookings are essential on 5982 0295 or email: poetscornergathering1@gmail.com
First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 15 May 2018