“IT was good to see people still have good hearts.” Elderly Rosebud resident Maureen Baldwin was speaking after strangers came to the aid of her husband Ron after he fell and cut his head last week.
“They were holidaymakers from West Footscray camping on the foreshore for the weekend, but they came over and did all they could to assist us,” she said.
“One went and got my car while the others comforted Ron and another waited at the end of the street to tell the ambulance where we were.
“Even their little children came over to see if they could help.”
Mr Baldwin, 85, was bleeding to the forehead after slipping on a slope in the Jetty Road playground and hitting his head, 10am, Monday 11 March.
He usually walks “a couple of kilometres” each day, but this Monday spent six hours at Rosebud Hospital before recovering at home.
“We wanted to let people know that there are still some lovely people around,” Ms Baldwin said.
First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 19 March 2019