THE Rhinestone World Tour hits Mornington in June to properly celebrate the patron saint of self-love and line dancing, Dolly Parton.
Lonely Boot Creations is preaching the good word of Dolly Parton up and down the east coast with the Dolly Parton Dance Party.
A chance to dance with sparkly self-expression, it honours Dolly Parton for the spiritual and entertainment leader she is.
For nearly 60 years, Dolly has been singin’ her heart out, urging audiences to be the brightest, truest, gaudiest version of themselves. She’s world-wise, intelligent, inclusive, and huge-hearted. Her teachings, known as Dollyisms, are just like her: profound but wrapped in sparkly packaging:
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”
“If you don’t like the path you’re walking on, start paving another one.”
“If you see someone without a smile, give ‘em yours.”
“It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.”
It’s this upbeat approach, shiny self-confidence and ability to laugh at herself that makes ‘Dolly’ an attitude worth tapping into.
“What would Dolly do is my spiritual compass?” line dancing teacher Georgia Grayson said.
“For me, the magic of Dolly is that she believes in herself but she also doesn’t take herself too seriously! And that’s exactly the kind of attitude you need to enjoy yourself on the dance floor.”
For details on the Mornington show go to