THE Australian Conservation Foundation (Mornington Community Group) is calling on the state government and the Environmental Protection Authority to immediately implement sustainable procedures to ensure roadside cleanliness in Victoria on an ongoing basis.
The organisation believes roadside litter has significantly increased since covid, and is creating traffic hazards, drain blockage issues as well as various environmental issues. “The current situation is not acceptable,” said ACF Mornington Community Group member Maria Remova. “The level of the roadside contamination in the area is very high. Not only is it disheartening and ugly to residents and our millions of visitors each year, but it is also detrimental to the environment.” “Uncleared rubbish eventually breaks down into micro and nanoplastics, which end up in the soil, waterways, reservoirs and the bay, digested by wildlife, plants and humans.”
The group is calling for the government and EPA to:
- Take immediate action to clean and decontaminate the roadsides and increase the frequency of roadside cleaning to “as needed”.
- Provide transparency about the cleaning subcontractors and ensure there is immediate action in case of poor performance.
- Restore an emergency littering reporting line with responses from VicRoads.
- Install road signs advocating for litter prevention and introduce litter cameras. The revenue from fines could provide a significant and ongoing source of budget income.
The Australian Conservation Foundation (Mornington Group) has started a petition entitled “Keep Our Roads Safe – Clean the Litter: Demanding immediate action from EPA / VicRoads!” that can be signed here:
First published in the Mornington News – 29 October 2024