MERRICKS Station Grounds, an equestrian facility which provides a safe sanctuary for horse riders to pursue their sport and passion, is pushing forward with plans to build a roof over one of its arenas to support year-round equestrian services on the peninsula.
The current push comes after years of delays and false starts that have seen cost overruns and bureaucracy stymie the project. “This project was first mooted in the shire’s 2015 masterplan, and it looked like it was set to proceed before covid came along,” said Jenny Moore, chairperson of the Merricks/Red Hill Station Ground Equestrian Reserve Inc, that is spearheading the push. “By the time the shire got back to it, the cost had escalated dramatically due to it being incorrectly classified as a ‘stadium’, and we were back at square one. “It is not a stadium and has never been a stadium. It is merely a roof over an existing equestrian space enabling riders to enjoy their sport and passion year-round.”
Moore said the club had independently costed the project at $1.2m, substantially less than the shire’s estimates, and are looking to raise those funds from within the equestrian and general community. “We are well on our way, having already raised around $375,000,” said Moore. “But we really need help to get to the target and get the project finalised”.
Moore said the roofed area would increase the importance of publicly available, dedicated equestrian facilities on the peninsula by ensuring certainty and safety without the restraints imposed by inclement weather. “I’d like to allay the misconception in the community that equestrian is an elitist sport. It absolutely is not,” said Moore. “It is enjoyed by people from all works of life and, while not a cheap sport to participate in, people put every ounce of passion they have into it. “It also needs to be remembered that the wider horse-related community contributes tens of millions to the peninsula economy, and we believe the roof will add to the economic benefit.”
The Merricks facilities are currently shared by Merricks Saddle Club, Merricks Pony Club and Peninsula Quarter Horse Association and other individual riders. Until recently all the facilities; three sand arenas, two turf areas, a round yard, cross country training course, horse day yards, clubrooms and shedding were developed by volunteer efforts of club members.
The group is asking for anyone who can contribute to the goal to make contact. “We are aiming at an ambitious deadline of January/February next year to have construction commenced,” said Moore.
“We are hoping others share our vision to promote the sport of equestrian, and the community get behind this wonderful initiative.”
Tax deductible donations can be made through the Australian Sports Foundation, Raise the Roof Merricks; direct debit contributions can be made to Merricks/Red Hill Station Grounds CoM Inc. BSB 633 000, A/c no. 190 527 002. All donations will be recognised on the Honour Board at the Grounds.
Substantial donations of more than $100,000 will attract special benefits. Sponsorship opportunities for businesses interested in making substantial contributions are available and should be followed up with Moore, who can be emailed on
First published in the Mornington News – 11 March 2025