Go Away, Mr Worrythoughts! is a delightful stage adaptation of the award-winning picture book by Frankston author Nicky Johnston.
Featuring three professional performers, puppetry, slapstick humour and songs, it’s described as an exciting adventure in developing emotional resilience for primary school children. Through the story of Bayden, and his struggle with anxiety, the production explores creative ways to zap ‘worrythoughts’.
Johnston wrote the book to help her first child overcome anxiety. It was such a success that she wrote another, Happythoughts are Everywhere, as well as developing a resource kit for parents and teachers. She is now in demand as a guest speaker at schools, parent groups and seminars, and the stage version of Go Away, Mr Worrythoughts! offers many insights into children’s mental health and wellbeing.
One public performance only will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the author and the performers. It will suit those aged 5-11 and their families, although the character may frighten some littlies.
Presented by Frankston Arts Centre Arts Access, Go Away, Mr Worrythoughts! will be staged on Friday, June 6 at 6pm. It runs for 45 minutes with no interval.
Tickets are $8 with a family of four $28. Two years and under free on adult’s knee.