THE good news of early April about improvements to street safety in Mornington has lost some of its gloss after it was revealed CCTV cameras will not be installed until October at the earliest.
Federal MP Bruce Billson said on 9 April that the town’s commercial area would “soon be safer, with work finally underway to expand the CCTV network and street lighting in local laneways”.
“Resolving issues associated with the transfer of the existing CCTV network from Mornington Chamber of Commerce to shire council control, power billing disputes, and grant conditions have combined to produce frustrating project delays, so I am relieved that we are now seeing action,” he said.
The project was restarted last week when light poles were installed in the first of seven laneways.
Shire contractors are installing the lights, which has to be done before 16 new CCTV cameras are installed.
The project has been funded by the federal government to the tune of $400,000 under its Safer Streets Program, with money coming from the proceeds of crime.
Mr Billson said seven laneways connecting Main St with car parks would receive improved lighting, and the commercial centre’s existing CCTV system would be expanded.
“The grant is part of my $759,000 election commitment to fight crime, improve personal security and combat anti-social behaviour in Dunkley,” he said. (Dunkley stretches from Seaford to Mornington.)
He said shire staff and its contractors “are managing the work, which so far includes the installation of infrastructure like conduits to power the new lights and CCTV cameras”.
“The shire has completed installation of infrastructure in Laneway One [near the post office] and is now moving sequentially through each of the other laneways. Once this process is complete, the CCTV and lighting will be installed,” he said.
Mr Billson said the project would enable business owners, staff and patrons to feel safe “whether involved in shopping, dining or nightclubbing – and as Main Street and adjacent areas take on a different character and complexion at different times of the day and week”.
The grant covers new equipment at Mornington police station and installation of a link between Mornington CCTVs and Mt Eliza’s yet-to-be-installed cameras.