THE “witch of Rye” didn’t disappoint this Halloween, entertaining dozens of families in Rye with her theatrical antics and best efforts to look scary.
District nurse Karen Fleming has drawn on her theatre experience and love of acting to make 31 October a special occasion in Felecia Street for years, putting on performances in her front yard for trick or treaters, or anyone who likes a bit of neighbourly fun.
Son-in-law Brad Harris said Fleming loved the show as much as the audience and stays in character from the moment the night starts at 6pm on Halloween until it’s time for everyone to go home.
“She loves doing this and it’s a real hit with families,” he said.
“Other family members get involved, and it’s quite involved … there are smoke machine, the voices, the costumes, everything – people love it so much they come back year after year.”
First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 1 November 2022