Chris Crewther – Liberal Party

I LIVE in Mount Eliza with my wife Grace and our two children, who attend a local public primary school and child care. Until recently, I ran a small business and worked for the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery. Previously, I represented Mount Eliza and Mornington residents in federal parliament, delivering Peninsula Home Hospice’s building, Mornington athletics track and Mount Martha Soccer fields. I have master’s degrees in international law and diplomacy. I have been CEO of Mildura Development Corporation, and an international lawyer in Kosovo.
My father started at Balcombe Army Barracks in Mount Martha, and my mother farming near Jeparit. I was inspired to make a difference after seeing significant disadvantage growing up in Horsham and Murtoa, and after doing Youth Parliament at Camp Manyung, Mount Eliza. I believe in creating equality of opportunity, regardless of one’s background.
There has been local underinvestment under Daniel Andrews and Labor – who’ve been in power for 19 of the last 23 years – in roads, health, education, and public transport.
Commitments I will deliver with a Liberal government include: Mount Eliza Secondary College – senior students’ centre and redevelopment masterplan; Mornington-Hastings, and Beleura/Peninsula Grange retirement villages, bus services; Mornington soccer, Mornington basketball, Emil Madsen, Mount Martha soccer, Mornington athletics, and Mt Eliza bowling upgrades; fixing local roads under a $10 billion plan; erosion solutions for Mount Martha North, Hawker, and Shire Hall beaches and saving Mount Eliza’s reservoir from development; investing in Fusion Mornington Peninsula.
Georgia Fowler – Labor Party

I AM a local, a mum and a nurse, calling Mornington home for the last 15 years.
I graduated with a degree in nursing from Melbourne University followed by a post-graduate diploma in mental health.
I’ve been a nurse for over 20 years and have been working on a mental health ward at our local public hospital for the last 13 years.
I’ve advocated and cared for our community in what is considered one of the world’s most trustworthy professions. Please know that I’ll advocate vigorously for positive community outcomes as well as our hospitals and our health system.
My campaign is run by local volunteers. We might not be rich in campaign dollars but we’re rich in friendship. I also have my wonderful family supporting me including my 14-year-old son who convinced me to run in the first place.
So, you’re not going to see my face on a massive billboard being driven down Main Street, which is a silver lining really as I do not like having my photo taken.
I’m running because YOU deserve a strong voice, a better local representative who will deliver on promises, and someone who will be in the room where the decisions happen.
Labor is making kinder free, leading the country on climate change commitments and delivering the best education and health outcomes. Labor is doing what matters.
Nurses get things done. Let’s elect one to parliament.
Harry Sinclair – Greens

HAVING grown up on the Mornington Peninsula, I know what a beautiful part of the world it is. I also know this beauty is under threat.
Successive MPs have failed to protect our environment, representing only big corporations, billionaires and private developers. My party and I are not beholden to these vested interests, meaning I can truly stand up for the community. We need to maintain and expand green wedge zone protections as part of metropolitan Melbourne, continuing to be a natural gem for us all to enjoy.
Many, however, already struggle to live here. This is only getting worse with the cost of living crisis. At least 1000 people across the peninsula don’t have a place to call home, while 27,000 homes lay empty. Many of these are the property of wealthy investor landlords who have nothing to do with Mornington.
The Greens have real plans to deal with this. We will increase taxes on landlords who leave homes empty long term and improve protections for renters. We’ll also freeze rent increases and make sure rents only go up with your wages.
And we’ll reverse privatisation of energy to bring down your bills.
I also know from experience how hard it is to live here without a car. The Greens will add 3000 solar powered buses to Victoria’s transport system, allowing for a cross peninsula bus service connected with the rail line.
Vote Greens to keep the Liberals out and push for more progressive policies.
Jane Agirtan – Mornington

MORNINGTON needs an MP with real life experience and skills to make the best decisions for our families, businesses and diverse local community.
With accounting and finance background as well as local government and non-profit sector advocacy I have expertise in securing funding and will deliver real solutions for the cost-of-living pressure families face.
As a real (not teal) independent who is not funded by political parties, developers or billionaires I will be answerable to residents only – not lobbyists or wealthy donors bankrolling my campaign.
As your MP for Mornington, I will fight for better roads, capital investment in state schools in Mornington and Mount Eliza, youth and community sports funding, hospital upgrades and investment into ancillary health services, revitalising our shopping strips and much public transport to take pressure of our roads.
I strongly oppose overdevelopment and will advocate for more public nature reserves such as former South East Water reservoir in Mount Eliza and work with the shire to deliver biodiversity-sensitive urban design to protect the village feel and our beautiful coastline.
I will provide real solutions to beach erosion in Mount Martha, not empty climate rhetoric around issues we can’t control.
I care for older Australians who built this country and want to ensure that they are well looked after with access to affordable and reliable energy, housing and medical services.
With your support, I’ll be a strong local voice to bring real and positive change to Mornington.
Kate Lardner – independent

I NEVER wanted to be a politician, but I’m standing to represent Mornington because we have been neglected for far too long.
I’m a lifelong resident, a medical doctor at the local public hospital and a mother of twins.
I know how fortunate we are to live in this area, but I also see that we are not getting the representation we deserve. Victoria’s health system is in crisis, with too many of our communities facing long GP and ambulance waiting times, aged care residents feeling neglected, and a mental health system in need of serious reform.
Integrity in our politics is at an all-time low, with the two major parties riddled by scandals and corruption. Our political leaders refuse to assist our communities in taking climate action. And short-term policy thinking has left our economy frail and cost-of-living high.
In Mornington, we face neglect from the state government. The two major parties have no interest in working together to provide us with funding, leaving our roads, beaches, sporting clubs, public transport, housing and infrastructure in a state of disrepair.
It’s time we had a representative who can work with both sides of politics to get things done for our community. As an independent, I can work across the aisle and maximise the political and financial support that our community needs. I can consult with community before every major vote. And I won’t toe a party line dictated by politicians in Melbourne.
Leonie Schween – Animal Justice Party

WITH an earlier career in secondary teaching, I am now a practicing lawyer. I have extensive experience in varied areas, including legislation and policy, law reform, planning, environment, local government, privacy, health, aged care/retirement living and financial services. For the past six years, I have also worked as a volunteer at The Briars historical estate in Mount Martha, caring for the much-loved pigs and chickens.
I live in Mount Martha with my husband, a 65kg Newfoundland dog and the local wild birds. I consider the Mornington Peninsula my “happy place” – with its beautiful natural environment and wildlife, beaches, bushland, walks and fabulous places to visit, complemented by thriving businesses and industries. I believe it is a place to be protected for future generations.
I am a long-time supporter of local animal welfare and rescue organisations and care deeply about the treatment of all animals and am not afraid to speak out to seek change.
When elected, my priorities include taking action to better protect our coastal and green wedge areas, native bushland (including the Ross Trust – Hillview Quarries land) and our wildlife. I also want better support for wildlife rescuers.
We have a responsibility to be kind and compassionate to all species of animal who share our lives and country – just as we do for each other.
ALL eight candidates for the seat of Mornington were invited by The News to submit a statement and photograph. Six accepted the offer.