Deleterious pavements
The upgrade of the Forest Drive, Hopetoun Drive, intersection with Nepean Highway is almost completed. Pavements are being laid, line marking, guide post and vegetation planting will complete the project.
A rebuild as complex and as large as this contract is not without its difficulties, and has gone smoothly enough.
Inconvenient as it was the detours that were put in place I believe worked quite well.
I used the Dominion Rd, Somerset Drive, Forest Drive detour for the first time last week. I was appalled at how the Somerset Drive pavement has suffered under the months of constant traffic that it was never meant to carry, Forrest Drive has also suffered its share of wear and tear.
Somerset Drive pavements have suffered the most, to the extent where serious rectification work needs to be carried out, not in small isolated areas but huge sections.
The pavement has extensive alligator cracking, allowing water to enter the base layers and into the sub grade causing further failure of the pavement.
There are areas where constant braking and acceleration has distorted the surface, to the extent it’s like you are driving over cobble stones.
Other areas the pavement has broken down with the tar binders slicking up the surfaces instead of binding the crushed rock as it was meant to do.
I sincerely hope that the shire, together with the contractor building the intersection, carried out a proper pavement audit on the detour roads, and well documented the conditions, prior to commencing construction.
Rectification work eventually will have to be undertaken. This should be done by the contractor at no cost to the shire.
Let us hope the shire was smart enough to have this type of continuance is in place and the shire is indemnified, where we are not picking up the extensive bill.
Gerard van de Ven, Mount Martha
Pollie gifts
Our Member for Flinders Zoe McKenzie MP promoted the new ExxonMobil ethane gas power station in her latest “Peninsula Post” newsletter.
The full-page article was simply an advertisement for Esso Australia (a subsidiary of ExxonMobil) printed at taxpayers’ expense.
The 47th Parliament Register of Members’ Interests states that Zoe McKenzie MP received “Hospitality – 2 x guest tickets for Australian Open Tennis and dinner – 25 January 2025 – as guests of Simon Younger (ExxonMobil)”.
On 30 September 2023, Zoe attended the 2023 AFL Grand Final as a guest of online betting company Sportsbet.
On 19 October 2023, Zoe spoke in Parliament to support a ban on using credit cards for online gambling but drew special attention to Sportsbet –
“… I’m pleased to observe that one of Australia’s major betting companies, Sportsbet, supports this change in recognition that we all have to do more to address gambling harm in this country…”.
In May 2024, the Albanese Government had the opportunity to accept the 14 recommendations of the Select Committee into the Political Influence of Donations report.
The official response to every recommendation was “Given the passage of time, a substantive government response is no longer appropriate” – what an appalling outcome.
The use of gifts and donations for politicians leads to increased power and influence of corporations at the expense of the ordinary voter – which can harm the public’s trust and support for their elected representatives.
The recent reluctance of Labor and Liberal politicians to introduce bans on gambling advertising is one example.
The Open Politics website reports on our politicians interests and has written to all MPs and senators seeking support for bans on gifts and hospitality.
How many politicians will give up their ‘gifts’?
Dale Stohr, Crib Point
Voting record
I think Ross Hudson has been a tad unfair on the MP for Flinders Zoe McKenzie claiming she has done little for three years (Zoe McKenzie, Letters 11/3/25).
The website reveals that Ms McKenzie has been busy voting against many of the issues of most concern to Australians including cost of living relief and climate change action.
Perhaps that’s because Ms McKenzie is a loyal Liberal and follows Peter Dutton’s lead.
Here on the other side of the bay, the Member for Corio votes very differently but also along party lines.
At least independents can think for themselves and represent their community rather than their party. I like what Ben Smith stands for and I wish we had a similar independent in Corio.
Karen Lamb, North Geelong
What does Zoe stand for?
There has been much prominent advertising for the current Member for Flinders but virtually nothing about what she stands for. So, we have to conclude that she stands toe to toe with Peter Dutton on most, if not all, policy matters.
So, as John Menadue writes in a recent article, entitled: “Dutton has little faith in Medicare. Like Trump, he prefers culture wars”.
“Dutton’s record as health minister tells us the real story and what he really thinks about Medicare.
A survey of doctors for the Australian doctors magazine ranked Dutton as the worst health minister in 35 years.
He was so embarrassing that he had to be shifted out of health and into home affairs. His performance in that portfolio was not regarded as a great success either, so he had to be shifted again, to defence.”
To sum up, I invite Ms McKenzie to let us know what her federal policies are, in the lead up to the Federal Election, so that electors can assess whether they wish to vote for her or not.
Peter Monie, Flinders
Time for change?
Every election, we see the same pattern – voters in our area stick with the major parties, hoping this time things will be different. Yet, time and again, we end up with the same frustrations: local issues overlooked, party politics taking priority, and decisions that don’t reflect the needs of our community.
Maybe it’s time to approach this election differently.
Independents are making a real impact in Australian politics. Without party constraints, they can advocate for their communities first, pushing for real action on the issues that matter. This election, Flinders has a chance to embrace that change with Ben Smith, an independent candidate focused on representing the people, not a party.
Voters often say they want something different – this is the opportunity to make that happen. If we keep voting the same way, we’ll keep getting the same results.
Perhaps this time, we choose to do things differently.
Kim Robbins, Safety Beach
What is ‘independent’?
The Independent movement. What is it ?
My understanding is that in recent times it is a nation wide movement closely aligned to Climate 200. Climate 200 was convened by Simon Holmes à Court and is dedicated to achieving zero green house gas emissions by 2050.
If Australia happened to achieve this we need to understand that this will not have any effect regarding climate change. Our total out put of CO2 is so minuscule that we will have achieved nothing at great cost to our nation.
The USA is not committing to this, China and India have a time line of 2060 and 2070 which even that is possibly wishful thinking.
Climate 200 and all its followers (ie the independents), have no thought of including nuclear as part of our energy source once coal and gas are phased out.
To rely on solar, wind farms and to a limited degree hydro, will require the destruction of vast areas of forest and grass lands. Added to this, large tracts of our coast line are earmarked for giant wind farms.
Apart from destroying the natural beauty of large areas, how much research has been done on the effects of all these on wild life? Added to this is the loss of areas of forrest which absorb large amounts of CO2, the most important food of trees.
Politically the “Independents” will side with Labor and the Greens as has been demonstrated since the last elections.
How can candidates be independent when they accept funding from Climate 200, that requires them to have the same philosophies as they do.
To be truly independent they cannot be beholden to Climate 200.
Keith Davis, Somers
Nuclear issue
Keith Davis letter (Nuclear option?, Letters 11/3/25), in response to the position of independent candidate Ben Smith’s opinion on nuclear power, focussed on the issue of cost but ignored the other aspects of Ben’s answer which were timeframe and output.
These two factors alone negate the nuclear option.
We need solutions now to our energy requirements and renewables are delivering this now and far more cheaply than fossil fuels.
Nuclear is at least 15 years away if all goes well and frankly to expect a party that couldn’t even deliver carparks at train stations, that is a big ask.
When, and if, the nuclear power stations do arrive they will only contribute about four percent of our energy needs, so seriously what is the point of them?
Too late, too little and at too much cost.
Ross Hudson, Mount Martha
More nuclear questions
It’s good that your correspondent is still asking questions about nuclear (Nuclear option?, Letters 11/3/25).
Nuclear energy was supposed to be the big election pitch from the Coalition but now they seem to be running dead on this.
We haven’t heard anything about nuclear from Coalition spokespeople since they said they would sack Matt Kean, head of the science-based Climate Change Authority.
This was is in response to the Authority releasing a report explaining that the nuclear pathway would add 2billion tonnes of extra climate pollution to the atmosphere (because we would use unreliable, polluting coal stations to provide energy while we wait at least 15 years for nuclear).
It would be good to know all candidate’s positions on nuclear energy. Also where does the Coalition plan to store the nuclear waste? And where will the water needed to run the reactors come from?
So many questions, so few answers.
Amy Hiller, Kew
Changed mind on nuclear
I once thought nuclear power might be a good fit for Australia. I have changed my mind for the following reasons:
– It is the most expensive power source (Ref. CSIRO GenCost 24-25 Report)
– The lead time, especially for new projects is likely 15 years or more and too long to meet our carbon reduction targets ( Ref. CSIRO GenCost 24-25 Report)
– Government contracts often run over budget and time (Ref. Snowy 2.0)
– Operating failures or unexpected events can be dangerous and long lasting (Ref. Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island)
– It is not compatible with variable sources of power such as renewables. Baseload power is unnecessary because renewables plus firming is adequate (Ref. South Australia power system)
– They can be a target and security risk from those who might wish us harm (Ref. Zaporizhzhya NPP in Ukraine)
– There is still no entirely good solution to the nuclear waste problem.
– An adequate cooling water supply is essential for reactor cooling and may become more difficult or impossible as the climate dries out.
– We have no regulatory system or an adequate pool of nuclear engineers or trained work force.
– Who wants a nuclear power station in their backyard?
Graham Fraser, Mount Martha
Nuclear ‘facts’
Keith Davis wants Independent for Flinders Ben Smith to consider “the facts” about climate change, renewable energy and nuclear power and makes two recommendations (Nuclear option, Letters 11/3/25).
Why would Mr Davis ignore Australia’s leading scientific body, the CSIRO, which consistently reports that renewables, even including the cost of transmission and storage, are far cheaper than nuclear power in Australia.
The YouTube sites he refers readers to are quite revealing.
Chris Uhlmann is a journalist for the Murdoch Press well known for its opposition to human-induced climate change.
Gerard Holland’s presentation was to the fossil-fuel funded Alliance for Responsible Citizenship at which former Prime Minister Tony Abbott claimed the “emissions obsession” of a “climate cult” will eventually be discredited. Extreme stuff.
Far better to listen to unbiased energy experts. In May last year, the head of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, said, “if there is a country that has a lot of resources from other sources, such as solar and wind, I wouldn’t see nuclear as a priority option. I’m talking about Australia now.”
And just this week, US energy policy veteran Jonathan Pershing on a visit to Australia said, “In about 80 per cent of the world, the cheapest energy option for reliable power is a combination of solar plus batteries. That’s the cheapest choice. It’s also the fastest choice in much of the world. Why would I add a really expensive technology [nuclear] when I could add something that costs less?”
Ray Peck, Hawthorn
Ranch closure
I was so sad to see in last week’s issue that the Ranch is definitely closing. It was such a fantastic idea run by the community to make up for a huge gap in government public housing.
Crisis accommodation should be given. The Peninsula isn’t some forgotten corner of the country – we’re part of one of the richest states in one of the wealthiest nations, yet people will soon be left out on the street.
Liberals and Labor yap on about housing, but when it comes to actually delivering a plan to solve the issue, they’re all talk.
I’ve followed Ben Smith’s work on this issue for a few years now, and I was so happy he decided to run as an Independent at the election. He’s well informed about housing and homelessness, he knows how to work with governments, and he has the ability to think long term about how to fix these major issues facing our society.
I think he’s the right guy for the job.
Guy Taylor, Mt Eliza
Ad waste?
I was appalled to see that Ben Smith has again placed meaningless full-page advertisements in The News, with those in the edition 11/3/2025 sitting directly opposite an article detailing how the Ranch is soon to be closed.
The Ranch is one of very few safe accommodation places for the homeless on the peninsula.
As someone who works in the community service, homelessness field, I find it quite disturbing that Ben is prepared to have his massively wealthy backers place these ads for him, rather than ask them to put their money into housing support for the homeless.
How can this self-aggrandisement sit comfortably with his so-called Christian values? I fear it doesn’t sit well.
Marilyn Merrifield, Rye
Living pressures
No one wants to see crime in our community, but we need to ask what’s really going on. Are we facing a crime crisis, or are we seeing the consequences of tough economic times playing out in predictable ways?
For many families on the peninsula, life is harder than it’s been in years. The cost of living is skyrocketing, secure jobs are scarce, and young people, especially those from working class families, are feeling the strain.
With nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no real sense of purpose, some turn to petty crime out of boredom. The real question is, do we tackle this with fear and punishment, or do we invest in actual solutions?
Independent candidate Ben Smith believes we need to take a smarter approach. Instead of just talking tough on crime, we could be addressing the reasons young people end up in trouble in the first place. That means creating more opportunities, better access to education and job pathways, and investing in youth services, after-school programs, and mental health support. These initiatives have been proven to reduce crime and strengthen communities.
Fear-driven politics might grab headlines, but it does not make us safer. Real solutions do. Ben Smith is committed to supporting policies that actually work, rather than ones designed to fearmonger. I think it’s time we give a fresh approach a chance.
Ashlynn O’Malley, Mornington
Hospital facts
In regard to Tony Dew’s letter (Rosebud Hospital, Letters 11/3/25) I wish to respond as one of the organisers for the Facebook page and campaign “save Rosebud Hospital”.
The facts are that every hospital is audited regularly to pass an Accreditation process, whereby many factors are taken into consideration – from protocols in care to safety for patients and staff.
Rosebud Hospital is in dire need of replacement,– currently held together by “bandaid repairs and compromise”.
The staff work in conditions that are often not fit for purpose, yet do it with love and care for their patients.
If the hospital failed accreditation in certain areas (building, safety, etc) it could close.
Our residents deserve a hospital that is modern and fit for purpose, as do others in the metropolitan area, which we fall under.
State government do fund state hospitals, but federal can top up the state budget to allow for such projects, so it is correct to have support from both state and federal candidates.
The government’s response to our cry is that the new Frankston hospital will more than take the pressure off Rosebud Hospital, but our response is “Frankston is too far” and we cannot get there in an emergency. We deserve a modern local hospital for all our residents. “
It is also worth noting that Mornington Peninsula Shire have been very supportive of our campaign.
I hope this helps the conversation.
Sue Gilbert, Rye
CEO appointed
Mornington Peninsula Shire has appointed a new CEO, to take up his role on the 16th of April 2025 (Shire appoints new CEO, The News 11/3/25).
As promoted by the Shire and in the interest of openness and transparency, I ask what were the salient points that secured his appointment.
What were his previous KPI’s, did he meet them at all the numerous places he has worked?
Surly the Shire has milestones and KPI’s in place that need to be met, do we have assurance from him, that he going to meet them?
What is his salary going to be and will it be value for money?
The last CEO cost us approximately $10,000.00 per week what did we gain where was the value in that amount of money?
That sort of money would have gone a long way on Shire projects.
Gerard van de Ven, Mount Martha
Representing who?
Sam Groth: “Thankfully, Flinders already has an effective federal member in Zoe McKenzie, who strongly advocates for issues where the federal government has responsibility”.
Zoe has consistently voted against a transition plan for coal workers, capping gas prices while complaining about cost of living, criminalising wage theft, encouraging Australian-based industry, federal action on public housing, increasing housing affordability, increasing investment in renewable energy, increasing protection of Australia’s fresh water, increasing transparency of big business by making information public, increasing workplace protections, letting all MPs or Senators speak in parliament (procedural), making TAFE education fee-free, net zero emissions by 2035, protecting threatened forest and bushland habitats, the Paris Climate Agreement, and vehicle efficiency standards.
Somehow I don’t think this represents us and what we want. Maybe Zoe did not agree this was the right thing to do but was told how to vote by the party and as a loyal party slave did her job of protecting the party not the people.
Joe Lenzo, Safety Beach
Helpful police
A thank you to the two police officers who approached me after I pulled into a service station in Seaford on 6 March at approximately 11.00pm.
I had attended a concert in the city and was driving home to Mornington; a long trip I rarely undertake, especially late at night.
I consider myself a good driver with many years of driving experience and an accident free record.
On this particular Thursday evening the two officers pointed out that I had made several mistakes and appeared to be driving somewhat erratically. We had a general discussion about my errors and then they expressed concern for my welfare asking if I needed a break or sleep. I was using an audio book to keep my mind on the trip.
The officers were so thoughtful and gentle while also being clear and direct in their description of my mistakes. Because of this approach the next morning I was left with no option but to evaluate my circumstances honestly.
As a result I am quite clear I will no longer drive long distances late at night. It has also led me to have discussions with my friends in terms of seriously assessing our driving skills and the need to make decisions when necessary rather than vaguely pushing the issue into the future.
Thank you to you both.
Robyn Freer, Mornington
I must have hit a nerve with Brian “Arthur” Mitchelson with my correct observation of the fact that renewable energy is the cheapest form, of electricity around (The ‘A’ is for Arthur, Letters 11/3/25).
But I now understand after reading the last few lines of his reply.
Say no more, he’s after all a Trump admirer and would like Australia to have also such a wise and insightful person like Trump in power to rule over us.
For me, I pass on any such notions. No orange narcissist shall rule over my life. I’d rather take my chance with Ben Smith as an independent.
Rupert Steiner, Balnarring
“Age shall not weary them”, referring to the departed true enough, weary to those (we?) remaining?
“Little fish are sweet”, a phrase often muttered after winning a small pot in a game of poker. One I hold dear being a Collingwood supporter.
“It’s who you know” – a famous phrase? We all live within our social structure, like it or not, accompanying opinions, assumptions, particularly class, often without question.
“Mine is bigger then yours” – yet another line of nonsense. Collingwood? Two players who should have been dropped “before” the match, as proven, surely come the Western Bulldogs?
And the new “slick” Fox Footy? AFL 360, AFL matches generally and particularly “On the Couch” (Jack Riewoldt?) prefer the old way.
Irascible old coot? Yes. The good news? The Melbourne holiday strutters have departed Rye. “To laugh often and much” (Emerson).
Cliff Ellen, Rye