OVER the next 12 months Tyabb reservoir will be turned into two independently operating water basins.
The works will allow workers from Melbourne Water to install two linings and covers while the old cover and lining is removed.
The covers and linings are designed to protect the quality of the drinking water piped from Cardinia Reservoir or Tarago treatment plant.
Melbourne Water has warned there will be extensive truck movements 7am-6pm, Monday to Friday.
Approval is being sought for the trucks to operate 7am-1pm on Saturdays.
Bulk earthworks during what’s described as “an intensive period of 60-100 truck movements each day” – will take place between May and August.
Trucks will enter and exit the reservoir along Flood St.
In 1999 the basin received a polypropylene cover, which complied with Melbourne Water’s “closed system standard” on covering service reservoirs. The basin was lined inside with a similar material.
Age and condition mean the existing cover and liner need replacing. Melbourne Water says the works “will ensure the safety and quality of the water is maintained to a high standard”.
The man-made reservoir is 300 metres by 200 metres – or 60,000 square metres – with a total storage capacity of 317 million litres. It was built by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission in 1978.
Melbourne Water became the owner in 1991.