Author: mpnews

Compiled by Cameron McCullough DURING the monthly sitting of the Council on Friday last, what may be termed as the aftermath of the monster indignation meeting which eventuated in the Frankston Palais, on November 14, 1924 was conveyed in a communication under the signatures of Mr. T. J. McMurtrie (chairman) and Mr. L. J. Ward, secretary.The letter in question sounded forth the indisputable mandate of “John Citizen,” passed by resolution, viz.:-“Owing to the DEPLORABLE STATE into which the finances of the Shire have been allowed to drift, this meeting of ratepayers of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings, have no…

Love what you have – Cliff Christmas approaches, zooming as always, likely my last.Another fine year of letters courtesy of this classy local newspaper.A mix of all sorts. Right and left wing, the clever, not so clever, the consistently painful types, and the occasional gem.Self expression is good for the soul, no matter your opinion. In the end nothing matters but seeing it out there in print can at least contribute to the inevitable ups and downs of our daily lives.Ignore the fear tactics (cost of living) and have a happy Christmas.Love what you have.Cliff Ellen, Rye Overpass error I…

A $750,000 revamp of the Marna Reserve Pavilion in Dromana is under way. The project includes disability access with new ramps and decking installed at the front of the pavilion, which is being co-funded by the Mornington Peninsula Shire and the Department of Transport and Planning, which has allocated $350,000. There will also be additional storage facilities, and upgrades to existing toilet facilities, including one externally accessible toilet for people with disability.Works on the shire-owned building on Pier St are expected to be completed by late next year. “I’m thrilled we are able to upgrade the pavilion at Marna Reserve,”…

THE Fire Danger Period (FDP) for Mornington Peninsula Shire will begin at 1am on Monday 9 December. Residents are encouraged to use the time before the FDP to prepare their properties. This includes cleaning up dry grass, leaves, and other flammable materials, as well as completing safe private burn-offs while they are still permitted.CFA Deputy Chief Officer Trevor Owen (Southeast) stressed the importance of taking early action as conditions continue to dry across the region. “Now is the time for residents to act by clearing around their homes and ensuring any private burn-offs are completed safely before restrictions come into…

THREE-TIME Paralympic gold medallist and 2022 Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott will make his Victorian PGA Championship debut alongside a Hollywood A-lister and a host of sporting greats.Teeing off at Moonah Links Resort on Thursday, December 5, the Vic PGA is played in a pro-am format, with golf-obsessed celebrities lining up against the best and brightest of the Challenger PGA Tour of Australasia. Fresh off his rookie season on the DP World Tour and a fifth-place finish at the BMW Australian PGA Championship, defending champion David Micheluzzi returns, two-time winner this season Jack Buchanan and Queensland PGA winner Phoenix…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughON Friday next, the civic fathers will again sit around the council table in solemn conclave, as of yore, at the usual – the very ordinary – monthly meeting.What the old and tired rep resentatives have accomplished in the past on behalf of the ratepayers as a whole, is, perhaps, too insignificant to necessitate the services of a brass band being brought into prominence to herald the deeds of the would be heroes.An organ, sounding forth, with reverberating chords of despair, the “Dead March” would be infinitely more appropriate.In days bygone, the policy of the council would…

Dust suppression regression I too have been impacted by the rather staggering increase in dust suppression for our little road (Dust suppression hike “doesn’t pass the pub test’, The News 26/11/24). The council tells us that the new contractor would be “better for our community in terms of cost-effectiveness, sustainability and level of service”. I suggest those at council who made this decision should consult a dictionary to look up the meaning of “cost-effectiveness”.I was not aware of any concerns over the old contractor, but if the new contractor was responsible for the recent regrading of our street the council…

IT was a sea of orange on Main Street Mornington on Sunday (1 December) during the “Walk to stop Violence against Women”. The group had assembled at Mornington Park to hear speakers as part of the “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence”. Earlier this year, the Prime Minister declared that Australia faced a “national crisis” with one woman being killed every four days at the hands of a man. First published in the Mornington News – 3 December 2024

VICTORIA Police has issued a strong message that it will be out in force at popular locations across the Mornington Peninsula as schoolies begin to celebrate finishing high school. “As in previous years, Victoria Police will be ensuring a safe environment for everyone whether a school leaver or a local community member,” a statement from Victoria Police said. Its high visible presence will be supported by Highway Patrol, Public Order Response Team, Mounted Branch and Dog Squad, which will continue throughout the summer months.“We know that most school leavers look out for their mates, take responsibility for their actions, and…

THE Mornington Peninsula Shire has emerged as one of the top performers in Victoria’s container deposit scheme (CDS) with residents and community groups pocketing more than $2 million in refunds. The scheme allows people to return eligible drink containers for a 10-cent refund at participating collection points. Returned drink containers can be transformed into all kinds of new things, reducing litter and promoting recycling.Eastern Victoria MP Tom McIntosh announced last week that the Mornington Peninsula Shire was among the highest local government areas (LGA) statewide for total numbers of containers recycled, with 27,117,810 containers returned in the past 12 months.…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough IN view of the fact that the council on Friday, 5th December – that being the date of the next ordinary meeting – will be faced with the resolution of no-confidence, passed by the meeting of ratepayers, recently held at Frankston, the following extracts from the report of the Inspector of Municipal Accounts, published in “The Standard” of 30th July last, will prove of interest:PREVENTING A CRISISMr. McCullum (the inspector) said, inter alia:“The borrowing by bank overdraft has been over the legal limit of the year, and the only way that a crisis had not been…

Letters a vital part of community discourse People write letters to newspapers for various reasons. Some use this platform to express frustration about current issues, complain about problems in their neighbourhoods, or share a range of grievances. Others submit positive letters praising various topics.However, the complaints appear to dominate letter submissions, particularly concerning issues like potholes, air pollution, plastic waste, animal welfare (including concerns about bandicoots), activities atop Arthurs Seat, and the need for clarity in the news. This is a legitimate forum for people to air their problems.While those complaints are valid, my attention was drawn to heartwarming stories,…

DOCTOR Geoff Wicks had 100 reasons to celebrate last week when he notched up his century. Born on 11 November 1924, Wicks has lived in Mornington for over 63 years. Wicks, who served in the Air Force in World War Two, first arrived as a locum GP to work at the Mornington Main Street Clinic in 1954, before heading to England to further his studies. He returned to work as the first obstetrician and gynaecologist on the Mornington Peninsula, based in Mornington, from 1959. Many of his patients were cared for at The Bays (previously known as Mornington Bush Nursing…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughTHE mineral possibilities of Frankston are not fully realised,and in that direction it is interesting to learn that during last week some attractive specimens of copper ore were discovered on Mr. Norman W. Clement’s property, Hastings road, about two to three feet from the surface of the ground.Mr. Clements states that while it may not be rich enough to work, it is only natural to assume it should be better lower from the surface. Frankston Police CourtBefore Messrs. Grant (chairman), Armstrong, Brown, and Cr. Gray, J.’s P.).CHARGE OF VAGRANCYAt the above Court yesterday morning, a derelict in…

Pothole of the week I would like to propose a Mornington Peninsula community pothole competition!Readers send in photographs with Mornington Peninsula News Group being the judge.Could I suggest a prize of perhaps small spade and bucket?My photo was taken today on the Mornington/Flinders road not far from Flinders.A real tyre buster! Ranald Macdonald, Flinders Why overcomplicate it? I have been emailing the shire since January 2023 with suggestions as to fixing the damages sections of the Briars boardwalk (Calls for boardwalk fix as shire proposes options, The News 14/11/24) after the wild weather back in 2020 where a section was…

THE 10th consecutive Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Toy Run will be held at Tyabb Airport on Saturday 7 December.Last year over 800 toys were donated to the Foods for All charity, to be distributed to the less privileged kids on the peninsula. Around 1000 people visited the airport during the day. This year Western Port Community Support will be the recipient of the donated toys. All toys are gratefully received, and particularly those appealing to the age range of eight to 14 year olds.The Peninsula Aero Club will provide a display of warbird and antique vintage aircraft, open to…

FIVE footy mates have completed an epic journey cycling across Australia with the aim to raise money and awareness for mental health. Break the Cycle consists of five middle aged men – Tim Allen, Guy Stringer, Brent Loughrey, Ben Adam and Tony Lockett, who have pushed through physical and mental boundaries, riding 3,500km from Perth to Melbourne in 19 days. “Our challenge aims to support our community and make a difference by fundraising for not-for-profit organisations Speak & Share, It’s okay not to be okay, and Peninsula Health network,” said participant Brent Loughrey “Together, we can create a community that…

Students at Balnarring Primary School are rolling up their sleeves as they prepare for Schools Clean Up Day early next year. With tongs, buckets and gloves in hand, students are excited for the environmental event to be held on February 28 – with registrations having opened on 4 November. The event, which celebrates its 35th anniversary next year, is one of the most practical ways to engage kids in litter prevention, sustainability, community, and teamwork.Balnarring Primary School has a Balnarring Way program to care for the environment. They are a litter free school who run whole school working bees at…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough DURING the Great War of 1914-18 many soldiers – typical Britishers in every sense of the term – found themselves on the “mat” facing the O.C. and his tribe.Incidentally, it may be mentioned that on Thursday night last, at the Frankston Palais, some of the local councillors were forced to face the music on another kind of mat before a righteously indignant body of representative ratepayers.Further, and while the conflagration in the European area was making history, Court Martials were of frequent occurrence. Sometimes it transpired that an astute N.C.O., in defence, cited King’s regulations, non-existent.“Good…

The scene of the crime When you throw out your rubbish, do you know where it goes? It’s like sweeping dust under a rug – just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s gone. The rubbish gets taken to a landfill where it’s buried in the ground, but it stays there, polluting the earth for years, sometimes forever. Plastic can stay buried for millions of years, hurting the planet as if giving it a good hard jab.Instead of hiding our waste, we should try to recycle and reuse more. Otherwise, we’re just leaving a big mess for future generations…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough BEFORE Cr. W. Stephens, (Deputy Coroner) an inquest was held at the Carrum police station on Wednesday last; to enquire into the circumstances surrounding, the, death of Stanley Ralph Carr, who was drowned on the previous Monday in a water hole at the junction of two drains near McLeod road.Constable Feehan conducted the case for the Department.The first witness, William Carr, father of deceased, residing at Station street, deposed that on the 3rd inst. he went to the scene of the fatality. There he saw four boys, one of whom was unknown to him.Constable Feehan: They…

‘The News’ not the place to debate international issues I am not clear why correspondents (R. Steiner and H. van Leeuwen et al) feel the need to prosecute the merits or otherwise of any foreign nation generally – and Israel in particular – in the pages of The News.I am not clear why the atrocious conflict in Sudan is not arousing the same passion… Or the deaths of 17 children in 2023/24 who were known to Victorian Child Protection Services is not arousing the same levels outrage.I am clear that the UN is not a bastion of moral clarity, but…

THIS November, Australia’s leading swim school GOswim at Yawa Aquatic Centre has partnered with Bondi Rescue lifeguard Bruce ‘Hoppo’ Hopkins for the nation’s largest water safety and learn to swim campaign of the year. The ‘Float to Survive with GOswim’ initiative aims to spread the message on how to stay afloat in emergency aquatic situations ahead of summer, starting with 60,000 GOswim students across Australia.The campaign comes in response to alarming figures from the 2024 National Drowning Report, which shows drownings have increased by 16% over the past year compared to the 10-year average, with the Mornington Peninsula LGA also…

By Kennedy McCullough AN estimated 580 women couch surf, sleep in their cars or sleep rough every night on the Mornington Peninsula. The high cost of living makes rent unaffordable for single women, whether they have children or not, with pandemic-induced population growth and short-stay tourism worsening the situation. Coupled with insufficient government-funded crisis shelters, a desperate need has arisen to support at-risk women and children on the Mornington Peninsula.Women’s Community Shelters (WCS) have begun the process of establishing their first Victorian-based shelter on the peninsula. It will provide crisis accommodation for up to 70 clients within the first year…

THE Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has investigated discoloured water emanating from a drain in Mt Martha, which is believed to be linked to terracotta roof tiles being washed down at a nearby property.EPA southern metropolitan regional manager Viranga Abeywickrema confirmed officers had investigated the murky orange discolouration in Balcombe Creek at the Harrap Road crossing. The orange discolouration extended about 50 metres downstream.“It is likely to be from terracotta roof tiles being washed down, with the wash-water escaping into the stormwater system. We conducted a thorough drive around the nearby residential area but could not identify a likely source,” said…

A BALNARRING-based charity providing support for disadvantaged families, unpaid carers, children with disabilities and women recovering from family violence, has celebrated 35 years on the Mornington Peninsula. To mark the milestone occasion, Saltbush Balnarring Beach threw open its doors on Saturday 19 October, welcoming more than 250 visitors to an open day to showcase its property and services.“The open day was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work we’ve been doing on the property; the impact it makes to those we serve and to share our vision for a future where we offer a link between a healthy natural environment…

WITH the summer boating season fast approaching, Safe Transport Victoria is calling on all boaters, jet-skiers, and paddle boarders to prioritise vessel maintenance and to familiarise themselves with waterway safety rules.Two boating safety initiatives have been launched including a new partnership between Safe Transport Victoria and the maritime smartphone app DECKEE, and the seasonal Back to Basics program. The partnership provides Victorian boaters with a smarter way to get information on mandatory safety equipment and waterway rules that are relevant to their location and vessel type, thanks to the GPS capabilities of DECKEE.DECKEE shows weather forecasts, wave and tide information,…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough IT is compatible with sound reason and commonsense that an immediate investigation be made into the disastrous financial position in which the Frankston and Hastings Shire Council is placed at the present juncture of events.Bluff, and continued camouflage, of the most flagrant order, has been the keynote which certain councillors have persistently struck for some time past, while the lost chord element of procedure, at the monthly meetings has, of recent date, become so pronounced that “John Citizen” is now demanding an explanation of the strange conduct of the old and tired civic fathers in respect…

GLENN Browne was a merchant seaman for almost 20 years. He sailed the world on all sorts of vessels and had salt air in his blood. He believed his future would be working on ships until he was too old to walk the gangway. But one day in August 2020, his entire life turned upside down.“I woke up with a pain in my jaw, but I didn’t think much of it. I drove to a mate’s bakery and clipped another car on the way. It was very unlike me to have an accident. “When I arrived at the bakery, I…

A MT MARTHA family has taken Halloween festivities to spine-tingling heights after turning their front yard into a frightful spectacle.“It’s something we do every year and it’s gotten bigger and bigger every year; we just love it because it just brings the whole community together,” Sarah said of her Lynch Court home. “Every year we get about 400 trick-or-treaters … you can’t even drive down the street, there’s just kids everywhere.” Sarah said her kids Harvey (pictured), Hadley and Hugo look forward to Halloween for all the adventure it creates. The home’s un-boo-lievable display covers the whole front lawn and…