Author: mpnews

Time for shire to seek financial solutions There is no doubt that the shire is headed for the perfect storm financial crisis. They are being hit with the same cost of living pressures that we are. Recently I have been hit with two insurance increases of 26% and after almost doubling last year, my gas rates have increased between 18% to 23% from August.Rate capping certainly plays a part, just like my pension increases do not cover my increased costs. At the time, rate capping was the only way to stop the abuse of raising rates by the sire and…

Somerville Highway Patrol officers are appealing for public assistance following a hit-run in Capel Sound on Wednesday. Police were called to Point Nepean Road following reports a motorbike rider had been struck by a car about 6pm. It is believed the driver of a grey SUV hit the motorbike rider while they were turning into a driveway. The rider, a 24-year-old Capel Sound man, sustained serious injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment. The driver of the SUV fled the scene without stopping to render assistance and was last spotted heading towards Tootgarook. It is believed the Volkswagen may…

MOONLIT Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park and Western Port Biosphere have joined forces to launch a new project to save the region’s precious koala population. Named the Western Port Koala Corridor Project, the initiative aims to create a network of trees throughout the UNESCO listed Western Port Biosphere to allow koalas and other vulnerable species to move safely between areas of bushland. The project will also address the growing threats faced koalas as their numbers have rapidly dropped due to habitat destruction, disease, dog attacks, and road hazards.To help support their populations, the project is seeking to engage dedicated community volunteers…

FOR over 75 years, The Portsea Camp has been a haven and lifeline for thousands of children, providing support to disadvantaged and vulnerable kids through tailored wellness programs and camps.Property developer and philanthropist Max Beck is once again leading the charge with his fellow cyclists to raise vital funds for the “Making a Difference” programs at the camp. Starting the Sorrento Bay Riders 30 years ago, Beck and his fellow riders have raised over $1 million for various charitable organizations. This year, they are on an urgent mission as more and more children seek the services of The Portsea Camp.…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughAN unauthenticated statement reached “The Standard” office yesterday to the effect that the Government contemplated expending £20,000 in providing for the drainage of the area between Beach street, Frankston, and Seaford farm lands.Our informant also stated that a similar sum was to be expended in Carrum.If correct this will be a great boon to residents in the districts mentioned. The scheme, it is said, provided for taking all the flood water into Kananook Creek.Last week the Minister of Public Works, at the invitation of the Carrum Council, visited the Carrum flood areas.Cr. Wells moved at last Council…

Embrace cultural heritage instead of a luge I do love the Letters page! It stimulates community debate and better ideas. After reading ‘Support the RAP’ (Ralph Catts) and ‘Don’t mention the luge’ (John Weir) in last week’s Letters page, I came up with a better proposal for The Eagle development.Arthurs Seat was called Wonga before colonisation. The history and culture of the local Bunurong/ Boon Wurrung people is awe-inspiring and important. It is of great interest to locals and tourists alike. It can be explored in an environmentally friendly way and is relevant for Australia today. An Aboriginal Heritage and…

MUSICIANS from the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) will be performing at Elgee Park in a special two-concert event, as part of their multi-year collaboration.Set against the backdrop of the vibrant Study Storage exhibition in the Elgee Park Gallery, this is an unmissable opportunity to enjoy the fusion of exceptional music and stunning art. The Study Storage exhibition showcases a diverse selection of artworks collected by the family, spanning different eras, tastes, and acquisition budgets. This eclectic mix provides the perfect setting for a memorable musical experience.Between the two performances, complimentary afternoon tea will be served, and Elgee Park…

VICTORIA Police is investigating a suspicious fire at a Safety Beach home after it went up in flames on 14October. Emergency services were called to reports of a house fire on Dromana Parade about 9pm. A police spokesperson said the fire caused significant damage to the house. “There was nobody inside the houseat the time of the fire,” the spokesperson said but added, “at this stage the fire is being treated as suspicious”. The double-storey brick house was “well-alight” when about 30 CFA firefighters arrived. Eight CFA trucks from Dromana,Mt Martha and Rosebud were on scene with the fire brought…

Missing Persons Squad detectives have located what appear to be human remains as part of their ongoing investigation into the suspicious disappearance of Rosebud man Jake Bradford. The yet to be formally identified remains were found about 10.30am in remote bushland off Dollar-Woorarra West Road in Dollar on Tuesday (15 October). Detectives from the Missing Persons Squad, Major Crime Scene Unit and Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine specialists travelled to the site this morning. The coroner has been advised and a postmortem will occur in due course. 21-year-old Jake was reported missing by his mother on 29 January, 2023. Investigators…

AMBULANCE Victoria is reminding people to update their asthma action plans to stay safe as the weather warms up.Ambulance Victoria (AV) director of emergency management Justin Dunlop said creating an asthma action plan was an easy and potentially lifesaving step. “It’s simple – visit your GP and they can create a plan with you,” he said. “Everyone’s asthma action plan will look different, and it will help you manage your condition, ensuring you don’t find yourself in an emergency. “Follow your asthma action plan, and most importantly, if a person is having difficulty breathing and their reliever medicine is not…

By Mechelle CheersExciting news for Rye residents and visitors! The very popular Rye foreshore will now finally get its long-awaited makeover. The Shire has advertised for tenders to undertake the work which is expected to start in March 2025.The Rye community might recall back in January 2020, a combination of Council funds and a State Government grant meant a total of $6.5million became available to implement the Rye Foreshore Plan (Grant gives Rye chance for new lease on life, The News 18/2/2020). Its implementation has taken much longer than anyone expected, with a few hiccups along the way, but it…

THE Peninsula Surfriders Club (SRC) have celebrated a significant achievement after claiming the top spot in the 2024 Hyundai Australian Boardriders Battle (ABB) regional qualifier.Hosted at the iconic Smith Beach on Phillip Island on October 6, surfers battled it out with waves of two to three feet high. The first semi-final saw 13th Beach and Torquay start off evenly matched, with both teams’ first surfers scoring high 6-point rides. Then, Torquay’s second surfer, Xavier Huxtable, broke the tie with a 7.27-point ride for two big backhand hooks. But with five out of their six waves scored, Peninsula were comfortably in…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughTHROUGH official channels we learnt that on Sunday morning last, at 2 o’clock, an attempt was made by someone to break into the Frankston post office.A youth, named Smedhurst, who was sleeping on the premises, was awakened by a noise proceeding from a window at the rear of the building.He at once sprang from his bed, naturally alarmed at the unusual sounds at such an early hour, and was just in time to observe a man decamping.The local police are investigating. Senior-Constable Elliott stated to a representative of “The Standard” on Monday that the marks of a…

Focus on local issues Candidates running for council (Candidates face more questions than there are answers, The News 8/10/24) should remember that their primary duty is to their community. The decisions of a local council member have an immediate and direct impact on local concerns, which is what matters most to their residents. By focusing on these local priorities, candidates can better serve their communities and significantly shape their future.Anne Kruger, Rye Take responsibility for your own rubbish As one who often collects rubbish from the Mt Martha cliffs and beachfront, I too despair at all the plastic, especially bottle…

A MAN who drove onto the wrong side of the Mornington Peninsula Freeway in Dromana is wanted by police. At around 7.30am on 1 October, a black Ford Ranger utility (pictured above) was seen crossing the Mornington Peninsula Freeway via the emergency access cut through. It was driven onto the wrong side of the road before exiting the freeway at the Arthurs Seat on-ramp. The car was towing a trailer with a dirt bike, bicycle, and ATV inside, police say.An image of a car police wish to investigate has been released. Anyone who recognises it can assist by contacting Rosebud…

THE Mornington & District Historical Society is celebrating 60 years of service to the Mornington district and wider Mornington Peninsula. Great vision established the museum, and 60 years of voluntary service has kept it strong. Over that time, an incredible amount of volunteer hours have gone into not just for opening the museum, but documenting and caring for the collection, answering people’s questions, speaking to various groups and helping school children be enthused and interested in history.Located at the Old Post Office Museum (corner of Main Street and the Esplanade), they are open Sundays between 12.30pm and 3pm and encourage…

FEMALE first responders and emergency service providers from across the Mornington Peninsula have strengthened their connection, as part of an emergency services networking initiative led and hosted by Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) Hastings Unit.Held for the first time in late-August, the initiative saw peninsula-based female representatives from the Country Fire Authority, Volunteer Marine Rescue and Search and Rescue Dogs Australia (SARDA) come together with volunteers from the VICSES Hastings, Sorrento and Frankston Unit to further bolster relationships in the field. More than 30 women from across the peninsula turned out in support of the inaugural event, which provided an…

A BALNARRING cricketer had his son at front of mind when he chased down Don Bradman’s run tally last Friday.Alex Wadelton, a passionate runner and cricket tragic, ran nearly 7000 lengths of the pitch at Balnarring Recreation Reserve in 24 hours. He surpassed the number of runs scored by the legendary Don Bradman during his Test Cricket career.Wadelton, who was kitted out in full cricket gear, was raising money for the National Allergy Centre of Excellence at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. The cause is one close to his heart – Wadelton’s 15-year-old son Roarke suffers from life-threatening allergies.“This came…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough AN interesting case was heard at the Chelsea Court on Monday, before Messrs. Cohen, P.M., and Hunter, Bowman, Stephens, Callahan, and Beardsworth, J.’sP., when Constable T. E. Nicholls proceeded against Albert William Bates on a charge of having on the 31st May, 1924, at Edithvale, driven a motor car, on a public highway, negligently, having regard to all the circumstances of the case.Eric Bell deposed that he was proceeding by motor cycle, from Mentone to his home at Chelsea, and with him seated on the back of his cycle was Mr. E. Saw, also of Chelsea.They…

State of our Beach I moved to Safety Brach in April, 2015. It is one of the most beautiful parts of our world. Over the years I have both enjoyed walking and swimming on our beach, as well as sharing it with friends from interstate and overseas. Since the removal of the mechanical beach cleaning machines our beach now resembles a rubbish dump. Dead fish, smelly seaweed and all kinds of rubbish (plastic bottles and various unknown items). On the weekend I had family friends visit for the first time in a while. They commented on the terrible state of…

CHANGES to the design of plastic bottles will help prevent litter at local beaches and waterways, environmentalists say. Beach Patrol Australia says that plastic straws and drink bottle lids are among the most frequently littered items on Australian beaches. It says that caps tethered to plastic bottles would help prevent pollution.BPA co-founder Dr Ross Headifen said “we collect hundreds of lids on our beaches every day. By mandating tethered caps, we can significantly reduce plastic pollution, avoiding millions of bottle tops from leaking into our environments.” “Our volunteers simply can’t keep up, we need to stop plastic entering our oceans…

BUS operator Kinetic is inviting applications for the first round of its Moving Communities Fund, with grants of up to $10,000 available to successful community organisations. The company, which is the naming rights sponsor of the Frankston Dolphins home ground, has launched the fund to support community organisations, not-for-profits and other initiatives that improve the livelihoods of communities where Kinetic operates.Kinetic Group CEO Michael Sewards said the grants program was a natural progression in Kinetic’s efforts to support local communities and organisations. “We are incredibly privileged to be in a position to support the outstanding work being done by community…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough“IT pays to advertise,” is a trite maxim, and in so far as “The Standard” is concerned such may be taken as sound advice, but where the natural beauty or general environment of a town and district is involved, it is regrettable that the landscape – the work of the Creator of All – should be marred by hideous hoardings, the glaring and coloured inscriptions on which advocate the use of “Pink Pills for Pale People,” “Phospherine” for the weary and nerve-wracked businessman, or the use of “Sunlight” by the housewife who, on washing day desires to…

RECENT storms have caused the collapse of the staircase down to Gunnamatta beach.A Parks Victoria spokesperson told The News “We’re aware of the damage at Gunnamatta Beach following the recent storms and have discussed it with the Lifesaving Club. Signage is in place to ask people to stay away from the damaged staircase. We are waiting for the weather to improve and conditions at the beach to settle down before further action can be taken.” First published in the Southern Peninsula News – 1 October 2024

Police will prepare a report for the coroner after the body of a woman was located in the water off Cape Schanck this afternoon. Emergency services were called to the bottom of the Cape Schanck boardwalk where the woman was located in the water about 12.15pm. Police winched the woman from the water, however sadly she was already deceased. It is understood a group of three people were swept off rocks near the boardwalk and only two were able to make it back to shore safely. The death is not believed to be suspicious.

Repair the Stairs Further to last week’s article (Urgent call for stair repair, The News 24/9/24) relating to the fact that the stairs to Birdrock Beach have been closed for over two years, I have two very clear and concise questions that I would like to put directly to the CEO, CFO and director of planning and environment.When closure signage was erected at the top of the stairs in late 2022, it clearly stated that “the repairs to the stair infrastructure would be considered as a proposal for inclusion within the 2024/2025 shire budget”. Why weren’t the repairs to these…

A NEW education facility nestled within the Mornington Peninsula’s very own rainforest will help students learn about the natural environment and the area’s cultural heritage.The Nearkey Biik Education and Environment Centre was formally opened at Endeavour Fern Gully, a 28-hectare National Trust property that is the peninsula’s original rainforest featuring the area’s last remaining sections of indigenous bushland south of Red Hill.The National Trust of Victoria celebrated the official opening on September 6, with the name Nearkey Biik meaning “Take Care of Country”, which was made in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. The name also reflected both…

JOSIE Jones OAM addressed community members at the Mount Martha Yacht Club last Wednesday (18 September), where she highlighted the role of public consultation in solving environmental issues.Community feedback has revealed that 78% of residents surveyed preferred hand-cleaning over mechanical raking, and found the rake to be ineffective. The meeting reaffirmed the value of engaging in meaningful public discussions about the care of beaches and why we are stuck in a cycle of litter.Jones also educated the audience on the seasonal movement of tides from April to October, clarifying misconceptions regarding the accumulation of seaweed and litter. “Seaweed, which comes…

A path forward The Friends of the Beleura Cliff Path are collaborating with the shire to convince the state government (DEECA) to help fund the repairs to the two landslip areas on the path. Ninety per cent of the path is safer than it has ever been, but we are concerned about the slow progress towards fixing the landslip areas. We accept that the shire is short of money, but there are vital steps to be done now that would cost nothing.Study of the direct causes of the two landslips was not included in the $80,000 Stantec Report, which was…

Mornington Peninsula Crime Investigation Unit detectives are appealing for public assistance to help identify the driver of a ute that rammed a police car in Mount Martha earlier this month. Officers attempted to intercept the stolen orange Toyota Hilux ute near the intersection of Nepean Highway and Craigie Road about 1.30am on 13 September. After stopping momentarily, the ute turned around and intentionally rammed the side of the marked police car. The ute fled the scene and was located burnt out on Lloyd Park, Langwarrin about 1.50am. The two police officers inside the car sustained minor injuries. Investigators believe the…