A man has died following a collision in Baxter this morning. It is believed an SUV and a motorcycle collided on Fultons Road between Golf Links and Baxter-Tooradin roads just after 11.10am. The male rider of the motorcycle died at the scene. The occupants of the car, a man and woman, stopped and assisted at the scene. They have been conveyed to hospital for observation. Police are on scene and Fultons Road is closed with diversions in place. The exact circumstances surrounding the collision are yet to be determined and the investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information is urged to…
Author: Cameron McCullough
WE regret to have to record that the accident which occurred to Mr J. Holley, of Mornington Junction on Tuesday of last week, through being-run over by a goods train while returning home from the Dandenong market, terminated fatally on the 31st. ult. The deceased was much respected and sincere sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. One of the sons is at present fighting with the Allies in defence of his country. *** A DONATION of £5 5s has been sent to the British Red Cross Society, by the “Wattle” Club. *** THE Australian Club will entertain 100 returned…
A 31-year-old woman has been charged after her engine blew out during a pursuit in Melbourne’s south early this morning. Somerville Highway Patrol members detected a silver Mitsubishi without number plates allegedly travelling at 125km/h in an 80km/h zone along Frankston-Cranbourne Road in Langwarrin just after midnight. The vehicle sped up when police attempted to pull it over on Peninsula Link, reaching speeds of up to 180km/h. It was too much for her hatchback’s engine, which conked out on the side of Frankston-Flinders Road in Baxter where the driver and her three passengers were apprehended by police. A search of…
WE note that Mr and Mrs Masterton, have donated another £100 to the Red Cross Funds. *** MR Percy Fuller, of the Peninsula Motor Garage Pty. Ltd., Mornington branch, was married at Glen Huntly last week. *** THE Somerville Red Cross Society intend holding a concert on Saturday next, 9th June, when a first class programme will be rendered by St. Stephens’ Choir and their talented singers. *** THE Australian Club invite all members to “Clarendon” House, Frankston, on Sunday, 10th June, on the occasion of entertaining 100 returned soldiers. *** MESSRS Eric McLeod, W. H. Rennick, and C. W.…
MR and Mrs W. C. Pentland have been advised by cable that their son, Lieutenant W. C. Pentland, of Port Melbourne, has had to have his left leg amputated below the knee as the result of a bullet wound. Lieutenant Pentland saw service in the Boer War. *** THE Seaford Red Cross Society has increased the amount which was made for the British Red Cross on May 12th, to £10, which amount has been forwarded to the Fund. *** MR Rogers and party of eight leading artists will give a concert, on behalf of the “Wattle” Club, in the Mechanics’…
ECHOES from the Front. WHERE ARE THE BOYS WE KNOW ! Private Dick Donohue, in a recent letter, writes :– A few lines to tell you I arrived here safe and sound after nine weeks on the water. It is pretty cold here just now, some of the people told me it is the coldest for 30 years, so that is alright for us. I am at a place called near Salisbury Plain. We are getting four day’s final leave next week. We get it just before we go to the front, so by the time you get this letter…
Task Force Razon members caught a husband and wife allegedly drink driving less than two hours apart in Mornington over the weekend. Police attention was first drawn to the vehicle after watching it being allegedly driven erratically as it left at Mornington licensed premises. The vehicle was intercepted just after midnight on 14 May, and the driver returned a positive preliminary breath test. The 52-year-old Maryborough woman later returned an evidentiary breath test result of 0.175 percent. She has had her licence immediately suspended for 12 months and will be charged on summons. Returning to their duties, the members were…
LETTERS from the Front. The following letter has been received by Miss W. Scarborough from Pte Dent:– Just a line to let you know how I am getting on. We had a good trip over, the water being like a piece of glass all the way. –– is a pretty place. The scenery is beautiful, far better that Australia. The people gave us a grand reception, giving us free meals and free tram rides all the time we were there. I can tell you we did it in great. At the next port of call, the people were altogether different…
A DEPUTATION from Tyabb waited on Mr H. S. W. Lawson, Minister for Education on Tuesday for the purpose of requesting that the school in the old township be re-opened which had been closed recently. It was suggested that in order to reduce expense women teachers should be placed in charge of this school and the school near Tyabb railway station. Mr. Lawson promised to inquire into the matter. It was mentioned that the cost of the two schools at Tyabb had been £440, and that the present outlay on the school, near the railway station, which is in charge…
When Bob Evans takes the stage at Baha Rye on 1 June, the audience can expect a show that is personal and intimate. One gets the feeling chatting to Kevin Mitchell, whose Bob Evans persona has won him critical acclaim, that he’d be just as happy if the crowd were up on the stage with him. Possibly kicking back on couches. “It will be relaxed and interactive. I’m playing a really broad selection of songs going right back to the first record in 2003, right up to last year’s release. “We’ll play some music. I’ll take some requests. I’ll probably…
MR R. T. Picking and family, after spending the summer months in Frankston, have removed to their residence at Glen Huntly. *** THERE was a good attendance at the “Australian” Club dance on Saturday evening last, the financial result of which should add materially to the funds. *** THE Floral Fete in aid of the Church of England funds, was opened in the hall, Frankston, on Friday afternoon, and will continue this afternoon and evening. A meeting of the members of the Frankston Branch of the National Federation will, be held in the Mechanics’ Institute, on Monday next. Members are…
The Wittingslow family have released the following statement after the tragic news of the death of a boy injured on Easter Monday at the Rye Carnival *** It is with great sadness that we confirm that the child injured in the accident at Rye on Easter Monday 17th April has passed away this morning. Our hearts and sincerest thoughts remain firmly with his family at this sad time, as well as their friends and extended family here and in New Zealand. We grieve with them and we are doing everything we can to ensure everyone gets the support they need.…
IT is a regrettable fact that thirteen dinner knives, which had been lent for the occasion, mysteriously disappeared while the entertainment of French soldiers, was in progress, on Sunday, last. Two songs “My little Gray Home in the West” and “Coming Home” are also missing. This kind of thing is contemptible in the extreme and will be well guarded against on future occasions. *** The report of the Mornington Shire Council’s last meeting will appear in our next issue. *** The Church of England Floral Fete will be opened at 3 30.p.m, on Friday next, in the Mechanics’ Hall. ***…
SOME excitement was caused in Queen Street, Maidenhead (UK), on Monday afternoon, when a bullock belonging to Mr Webster butcher, and driven by one of his men, made a sudden and unwelcome call at the shop of Mr P. Lovejoy, tobacconist. The space between the shop and the sitting room was only about sufficient for the animal to “dissemble,” and it confined itself to where the goods were exposed for sale. Mr De la Hay, a neighbour, kindly placed a valuable case out of harm’s way, and Mr Bullock made for the shelves behind the counter, brushing down walking sticks…
Police have arrested a woman after a hit run collision in Main Ridge yesterday. The 27-year-old male cyclist has been hospitalized with critical injuries after colliding with her car on Shands Road about 6pm. A 69-year-old Flinders woman is currently assisting police with their enquiries. Major Collision Investigation Unit detectives are at the scene. Anyone who witnessed the crash is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au
BY the death of the late Cr. Geo. Griffeth, of “Two Bays Nurseries”, Somerville and district has sustained a loss that will be very keenly felt and deplored. Since coming to the district in 1888, when he and his brother commenced the now famous Two Bays Nurseries which is the largest nursery business this side of the Equator, he has identified himself with the district, and as a Councillor of two shires (Frankston and Hastings, and Mornington) for many years, he has been foremost in advancing the district in every possible way, and, as President (which position he held in…
It was supposed to be the jewel in the crown. A pier befitting the wonderful township of Mornington, but since rebuilding the pier started in 2010, it has been nothing but trouble. Now it seems the game is up, as it is rumoured that Parks Victoria will begin work dismantling the $15.3 million pier and replacing it with the old one. “It has been a shocker”, said Fred Snickler from Parks Victoria. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great pier. But the problem is, most of it is sitting on the ocean floor.” It is believed that Park Victoria adopted…
Fire has destroyed the old Anglican church, which currently operates as an op-shop, in Hastings overnight. The fire started around 4am, and witnesses report hearing an explosion before the fire took hold. While the fire brigade attended quickly, the weatherboard structure was completely gutted. Quick action prevented the fire spreading to the adjoining brick church and surrounding housing. Police are appealing for information and an arson chemist is expected to attend the scene later this morning. Anyone with information about the fire is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au Pictures: Gary…
MR Archibald has secured from a breeder six fine Rhode Island roosters. They have been much admired and can be purchased for 6d each. If not sold before 5th April they will pass into city fanciers. *** OWING to our next issue falling on Easter Saturday, the “Standard” will be published on Thursday evening next. Advertisements and all matter intended for insertion must therefore be sent in on or before Thursday morning next. *** SIR Wm Irvine will address the electors at tho Frankston Mechanics’ Hall on Wednesday evening next. *** THE “Wattle” Club dance takes place in the hall…
LICENCES are to be issued shortly by the Federal Government for the exportation to Great Britain of practically the whole of the surplus Australian apple crop. The arrangemnent made with the Imperial authorities is for the admission of 500,000 cases, It applies only to the present crop, however, and after July the British prohibition will be absolute unless conditions undergo a change. *** THE daylight saving scheme, which has aroused much opposition, particularly in country districts, will cease to operate at the end of the present week, On Sunday next, at 2am, the clocks in the Commonwetalth will be put…
Our Letter Box. Sir,–It is amusing to note in your journal that the shire councillors of the Frankston and Hastings shire have agreed to support the venture of the Lilydale Shire Council in an effort to secure the non use of powerful (or search) lights on motor cars. Frankston has the most dangerous and worst conditioned roads of which I know, and yet these wise? Crs. in committee, have decided to try to prevent motorists, driving cars of big value, from using a protection for the safety of their lives and their expensive motor cars; for only in these searchlights…
WE regret to have to record the death of Mr H B. Hanton, of “Ashburnham” Frankston. He has been in failing health for some 18 months past, and about 6 months ago went under an operation for an internal complaint, from which he never seemed to properly rally, but gradually sank and died peacefully on Monday morning last. He wa engaged for many years in the fish mongering business, carrying on the business of two shops in Melbourne. After retiring he resided for some time at Tooradin, and about 8 years ago purchased “Ashburnham” where he resided up to the…
PRIVATE Rogers was unfortunate enough to be suffering from mumps on his arrival in France. *** THE Hon Secretary of the Frankston District Roll of Honor Fund wishes to acknowledge receipt of 5s from Mrs A., M. Bell, Cranbourne Road, Frankston. The total subscribed to date is £74 13s 6d. *** MR T. M. Burke, auctioneer, of 360 Collins St., Melbourne, will hold a clearing sale on Saturday, 24th March, on the premises, on account of Mr P. Meehan, of Bittern, who is retiring from business and leaving the district. *** A CRICKET match will be played at Frankston to…
FURTHER action has been taken under the war precautions regulations to limit expenditure on places of amusement. A new regulation, dated 14th February, which comes into operation forthwith, provides that no person, firm, company, society, club or association shall, without the written consent of the Treasurer, erect any building or structure for amusement purposes; make any structural alterations in or to a building used, or intended to be used, for amusement purposes; or expend money for the purpose of establishing an amusement business at or in any building or structure which is not at the commencement of the new regulation…
Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate Andrew Cini. The 50-year-old is wanted on warrant for failing to appear at court in relation to breaching a community based order. Police have released an image of Cini in the hope someone may have information on his current whereabouts. Cini is believed to be frequenting the Rosebud or Mornington areas and may be getting cash in hand jobs on building sites. He may also be driving a white Mack tipper truck. Cini described as 178cm tall, with a medium build, brown eyes and short receding grey hair. Anyone who has…
A motorcyclist has been charged after his speed was checked at more than 100kms over the speed limit in Mornington last night. Somerville Highway Patrol members detected the Suzuki GSXR600 motorcycle allegedly travelling south on the Mornington-Tyabb Road at 175km/h in a 70 zone about 11.30pm. The motorcyclist, a 31-year-old Mornington man, came to a stop when intercepted but attempted to drive off as members approached, colliding with the police vehicle. Police arrested the rider and impounded his motorcycle for 30 days at a cost of $950. The rider is also expected to be charged on summons with reckless conduct…
OUR Letter Box. Sir,–Dearie me! What a hornets nest one disturbs if any attempt is made to point out defects in local organizations. While sorry to have awakened so much malice in the breasts of some of the female population. I am unable to see the urgent need for an apology so kindly advised by D. Gregory, who accuses me of wicked spite in exposing a most grotesque anomaly. Reading over my previous letter I fail to find any reason for her vindictive attitude. Your readers are the best judges as to which of us deserves to be termed spiteful.…
UP to the 20th of this month Miss Theodora Carter, A.T.C.L., of 6 Pine Grove, Malvern, offers 12 months’ free tuition for pianoforte scholarship to be awarded to the a most promising candidate, not necessarily the best player. *** THE monthly meeting of the Somerville Fruitgrowers’ and Horticultural Association will be held on Monday evening next. February 12, at 8pm, in the Mechanics’ Hall, when the business will be – Notice of motion re an executive to conduct all further business for this year; Soft Fruit Pool, etc. *** MESSRS Catani and Kermode paid a visit to Frankston on Wednesday…
THE many friends of Mrs George Shepherd, of Somerville, will be pleased to learn that she is again at home and slowly recovering from the painful operation which she recently underwent. *** MESSRS Brody and Mason will sell on Thursday next 8th last at “Sunnyside” Mornington Road, contents of 10 roomed villa, on account of Mrs A. S. Panter. Owing to this property having been sold, everything will be unreserved. *** A GRAND cencert in aid of the funds of the Frankston Methodist Church will be held in the Mechanics’ Hall on Wednesday evening next. We understand that a good…
IT will be seen by an advertisement in another column that definite arrangements have now been made to hold meetings in the three centres of the Shire, to promote the success of the new Recruiting Campaign. That for Somerville will be held tonight (Saturday) at 8.30pm, for Frankston, on Tuesday next at the Mechanics’ Hall, at 8 p.m., and the third will be held at the Hall, Hastings, at 8 sharp, on Saturday, February 3rd. It is particularly requested that the audience should assemble promptly at 8pm, at the Hastings meeting, as the Hall is required for another purpose afterwards…