SLEEP is a wonderful thing. It provides time to relax and recharge and escape the everyday grind. But with morning comes reality, and for Hannah Swinnerton, that reality has been one of sheer terror. Getting up each day was difficult because she knew what awaited her at school: heartless, relentless and terrifying bullying. Hannah can’t recall exactly when it started; in her mind it was a constant. For her entire school life, Hannah was bullied. From prep to year 12, Hannah would head off to a certainty no child should ever have to face. Everything suffered. Her grades, as she…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE weather was terrible– low cloud and driving rain. Marc Perdu and Christian Tiriault, pilots of Spirit of Nouméa, discussed turning back to Adelaide, but they had an appointment to keep. Besides, anyone willing to circumnavigate Australia in a tiny plane isn’t lacking in a sense of adventure. This wasn’t the first expedition undertaken by the New Caledonian men. In 2011, they flew from Paris to Nouméa and in 2012 flew the same route in reverse. This year, it was Australia, with an expedition from Nouméa, counter-clockwise around Australia, and then back home again. “We had clear and sunny weather…
THE letter to the editor in Western Port News (29/5/13) caught the eye of Eve Dellar straight away. The road mentioned is painfully familiar and the topic of the letter even more so. “Today I received a speeding ticket for doing 64km/h in a 60 zone,” the letter began. “The camera that detected me was set up in Stony Point Rd, Crib Point, at 5am on a Monday morning. As anyone who has travelled along the section of Stony Point Rd near Symonds St knows, the road is more than twice the width of many roads, it is straight, flat and I…
The strange rumblings and vibrations that have been experienced by Arthurs Seat residents for the last 20 months seemed to defy all logical explanations. Then came the random opening of garage doors that residents put down to electrical impulses being emitted by passing ships. Only now is Mornington Peninsula News Group able to reveal the real cause of these seemingly bizarre incidents; secret underground earthworks as a team of workers rebuilds Arthurs Seat’s historical chairlift…. underground. Leading engineer on the project, Gary Bufkin, explains: “The chairlift is an emotional issue in these parts. We wanted to be able to recreate…