AS suggested by a correspondent in the last issue of “The Standard,” a movement has been initiated to give public recognition of the bravery of Bryan Lane, Colin Robinson and Ray Coxall, who were instrumental in saving persons from drowning at Frankston recently. In another column Cr. W. P. Mason invites the residents to attend a public meeting, to be held at the Shire Hall, Frankston, on Monday next, at 8pm, to discuss the matter. Yesterday Mrs. Morgan, the mother of the young lady, who was rescued by Bryan Lane and Colin Robinson, called at “The Standard” office, and expressed…
Author: Cameron McCullough
WHILE driving home from the Show yesterday, Mr. C. E. Bright, Deputy Postmaster-General, who was accompanied by Mrs. Bright, met with an accident which, fortunately, was attended with no serious results. It appears that while proceeding up Oliver’s Hill, the bolt connecting the shaft and the buggy broke, causing the shaft to drop. Mrs. Bright was thrown out, and the horse breaking the trace, ran into the fence. Mr. Bright, who was driving, held on to the reins until the horse got clear of the harness, was also thrown out. Luckily both Mr. and Mrs. Bright escaped without any serious…
Police will prepare a report for the Coroner following the death of a man in Rye this afternoon. Emergency services were called following reports a man was found unresponsive in waters near the Bay Trail boat ramp, about 3pm. The man, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene. The exact circumstances surrounding the incident are yet to be determined but the death is not being treated as suspicious.
THE Chelsea Hotel question again came before the Licensing Court held recently. On the Bench sat Messrs. Barr (chairman), Loch, and Tanner, P.M. Mr. Maginnis, for the petitioners, stated that he regretted he would have to ask the Court to proceed in the absence of Mr. Williams, the objectors’ counsel. He read a letter he had received from Mr. Williams, to the effect it was agreed that this day’s argument should be heard by the Bench only, if he, Mr. Williams, could arrange to be present. He failed to effect an agreement with the petitioners in the matter. Therefore he…
WHEN the skies close over and turn grey, Portsea resident Brian Douglas nervously looks upwards and begins to prepare for what’s to come. A soak pit on Mornington Peninsula Shire Council land behind his Franklin Road property has been defective for years, resulting in the flooding of his yard, even in moderate rain. “It has been an ongoing saga that we have tried to resolve through the shire’s systems, but we have quite literally got nowhere,” Douglas said. He first contacted the shire about the flooding pit four years ago but heard nothing back. He persevered, and about 18 months…
AT Friday’s Council meeting the Health Committee reported that after full investigation it recommended that the “Fecto” system of sanitation be adopted, together with the Carrum by-law relating to same. Cr. Mason said the Council intended doing all possible to safeguard the health of the people. It was proposed that an order be given for 700 “Fecto” appliances. The total number of premises to be served would be about 800. Some owners already had various systems installed. These would not be interfered with, provided they were satisfactory. Cr. McCulloch objected to the Council being tied down to one system. Cr.…
PETER Gordon Hannah, an ex-constable of police, appeared, on Tuesday, before Messrs. Armstrong (chairman) Oates, and Brown, J.’sP., on remand from the City Court, and was charged with having, on the 18th inst., shot with intent to murder Senior Constable James Culhane, and Constable James Alexander Graham. Sub-Inspector Spratling prosecuted, Detective Sergeant Armstrong assisting. Accused was defended by Mr. E. F. S. England. In outlining the case Sub-Inspector Spratling detailed the happenings from the time accused was seen in the Prince of Wales Hotel, up to the time the shooting took place. James Culhane, senior constable, sworn, said “that on…
ON Friday last in the school grounds the pupils were entertained to a lecture by Mr. Chas. Long, M.A. on “The Early Discoveries in Port Phillip Bay”. A large number of parents and friends accepted Mr. Jenning’s invitation, amongst whom were included the following old pioneers, Messrs. Tom. McComb (oldest resident), Joseph McComb, David Kelly and Miss Carr; younger residents noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Evans, jnr., Mr., Mrs. and Miss Jennings, Mesdame’s, Amor, Legge, Bradbury and Stanton and Messrs. Evans, senr., and Lind (ex-president of the A.N.A.) Mr. Jennings, in introducing Mr. Long, said that he was very pleased…
EARLY on Sunday morning last while putting a prisoner into the cell at the watch-house, on a charge of drunkenness, Senior–Constable Culhane and Constable Graham were wounded, the result of revolver shots. From details to hand, it appears that the two officers mentioned had arrested a man named Hannah, a former policeman, lately stationed at Brighton, on a charge of drunkenness, and while locking him up a shot rang out. Constable Graham fell to the ground. Senior-Constable Culhane, who was turning out the light, rushed to the assistance of his fellow officer, when another shot was fired, striking the senior…
AT last Friday’s meeting of the shire council a letter was read from Mr. Hanson, chief inspector of secondary schools, in reply to one from the shire secretary, relating to a telephone message. Mr. Hanson said: “I telephoned, informing you that money for a new High School at Frankston was provided on the estimates, but I added that I had urged the Minister to reconsider the whole position of site. This the Minister had promised to do, and a visit to Frankston would be arranged later.” Mr. Hanson continued: I might add that my own personal view is entirely opposed…
MISS Lecky, lady clerk at Mr. D. Gellately’s Agency, Chelsea, was unlucky enough to lose a bag containing her week’s wages and a few shillings over, on Saturday last. She was setting out from the office for Henley at the time. She discovered her loss before reaching the station. The bag contained, in addition to the cash, a few visiting cards with the young lady’s name and address thereon. Whoever found it will surely return it, on hearing that it is the young lady’s week’s wages, which is certainly a severe loss. Whoever retains it is a poor sport indeed.…
A huge blaze has destroyed a restaurant in Main Street, Mornington. Fire took hold of the newly-opened Colt restaurant at 9a Main Street, resulting in the evacuation of surrounding buildings. Flames billowed from the structure and a thick layer of smoke covered the beach end of Main Street. Fire units responded from Frankston and nearby brigades with brigades as far as Dandenong paged over the blaze. It is believed eight or nine fire units fought the blaze. Colt restaurant has been many years in the planning and only began taking bookings about three weeks ago. The restaurant was a return…
INTRODUCED by Mr. A. Downward, M.L.A., a deputation from Red Hill district waited on the Minister for Railways last Wednesday and requested that the line which now ends at Red Hill should be extended to Daldry’s Corner, a distance of five miles, and subsequently on to Boneo. The speakers included Cr. M. B. Wettenhall, Messrs. T. Barley, W. Roberts, T. Swift, R. G. Barrett, W. M. True and R. Keys. They informed the Minister that when the former Minister (Mr. S. Barnes) opened the line to Red Hill he stated it was not intended that Red Hill should be the…
THE continuous rainfall during the past week caused all the waterways to become swollen, and everywhere water was swirling along with an almost irresistible force. Boggy creek, draining as it does, an extensive watershed spread over its surroundings, and with its large volume of impetuous waters, tore out a great gap in the main road, stretching from Frankston to Cranbourne. At this point the road is raised to a high bank and the culvert being unable to carry away the oncoming, flood waters a great body of it accumulated, and by its superior force, crumpled up the high road bank…
A SERIOUS accident occurred Wednesday last, on the Hastings Road, Frankston, when Mrs. Roslyn Parris, of Baxter was driving her horse and gig into the market, was proceeding along the road, about 12.45pm, when a motor lorry laden with roofing tiles crashed into the rear of her gig, smashing it and the harness to pieces, throwing the lady heavily to the ground, rendering her unconscious. Mrs. Parris was attended by Dr. Johnston who was summoned to the scene of the accident, and removed to Nurse Campbell’s private hospital “St. Pancras”, where she was admitted suffering from severe shock and bruises,…
AT last Monday night’s meeting of the Carrum Borough Council the Royal Life-Saving Society brought under notice the following resolution which was unanimously agreed to at the first annual conference of the Royal Life-Saving Society relative to new style of bathing costumes. Cr. Beardsworth moved no action be taken, and said his motion was recently supported by the Chelsea Life Saving and Swimming Club, the Carrum Foreshore Trust, and also at a function of the council. He saw no objection to the two-piece Canadian costume as provided in the regulations. He was sorry to see adverse remarks regarding the Mayor…
ON Monday afternoon at 2pm a wood-cutter, named William Singleton, aged 43, single, who was felling trees for Mr. Holland, at Flinders, met with a fearful accident. At 7pm Mr. Holland became alarmed at the non-appearance of Singleton. He went in search and found the missing man pinned beneath a fallen tree. Jacks were necessary to release him, and after five hours of agony and inability to move, Mr. Holland conveyed the man in his own car to Dr. Maxwell’s surgery at Frankston. Dr. Maxwell found the injuries to be of so severe a nature that he ordered his immediate…
VERY great sympathy was expressed with Cr. F. H. Wells and Mrs Wells when it was heard that their second eldest son, W. Wells, had been the victim of what appears to have been a cowardly assault on Saturday night last. It appears that the lad was returning home from the picture show when he was attacked and rendered unconscious. He was conveyed to his home by friends and Dr. Maxwell was speedily in attendance. The lad, who is 18 years of age, did not regain consciousness for several hours. His condition, although somewhat improved, is still serious. It is…
THE shire secretary, Mr. John E. Jones yesterday received application from the secretary of the Amateur Sports Club, Melbourne, asking permission to use the Frankston park for the commencement of the Olympic Marathon test race on Saturday, 29th September. The application was granted. This race from Frankston to Melbourne will commence at 1 o’clock, and is really a test to select a representative for Australia at the Paris games next year. The shire president, councillors and leading members of Frankston sports clubs will assist on the day, and as competitors will be present from all the States considerable public interest…
POLICE are calling for witnesses to a fatal collision in Bittern on Friday night (8 September) after a pedestrian was struck by a car on Frankston-Flinders Road, about 8.20pm. Emergency crews were quickly on scene, but sadly the male pedestrian could not be revived. The deceased is yet to be formally identified. The female driver of the car stopped at the scene and is currently assisting police with enquiries. The circumstances surrounding the collision are yet to be established and the investigation is ongoing. Anyone who witnessed the incident, has dashcam/CCTV footage or information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers…
THOSE persons who decline to sit at table whilst there are thirteen present, and who scent the gravest danger if it should so happen, that there is thirteen at any gathering, will now have a further proof of the fatality that they allege goes with the number thirteen. Recently the leg of a racing pigeon was washed up on the bench at Edithvale, with the dread thirteen on its leg band. Of course, there is no doubt that the poor bird would have died a similar death if his number had been any but thirteen; still those good souls who…
CONDITIONS were perfect for football on Saturday last and a big crowd witnessed the first semi-final match between Somerville and Frankston at Somerville. The special train chartered by the Frankston club was well patronised. In the first two contests between these two clubs Somerville defeated Frankston rather easily – the first game Somerville scored 9.7 to 6.12; the second, 13.10 to 4.0; whilst Frankston had their revenge in the third match. Somerville had a strong eighteen in the field, but Frankston were minus Arthur Gamble, who is on the injured list, and this sturdy follower’s assistance was sadly missed in…
POLLING was conducted in two ridings of the Shire of Frankston, and Hastings yesterday, when Cr. J. A. Alden succeeded in retaining his seat in the East Riding against his old-time opponent, Mr. T. Barclay, Hastings. Cr. Alden, as was forecasted by “The Standard” had no difficulty in heading the poll – being returned by the handsome majority of 146 votes. The Mount Eliza Riding contest proved much more interesting. Cr. May, as we previously stated, made many friends during his two years term at the council table, and as events proved, those friends proved in a practical way their…
AT the council meeting on Friday last the president (Cr. Armstrong) took the opportunity of making complimentary references to the good work done at the council table by retiring councillors. Referring to Cr. May, he expressed the hope that he would be successful in his election, and wished him the best of good luck. He felt sure that Cr. May had done his best for the ratepayers during his term of office, and, if returned, he could be relied on to give the same excellent service. (Hear, hear). Cr. May, in responding, said the president had known him for many…
IT seems incredible, but never-the-less, it is true, that in this great continent of Australia with its scanty population and its wide reaches of good pastoral and agricultural land and a climate unsurpassed in the world for its mild range of temperatures, that the products of the soil should practically be out of the reach of most people by their excessive cost. Perhaps in no other country is it possible to keep stock during the winter without hand-feeding and housing, but, despite that great advantage arid the benefit of large stations, some of which in area approximate the size of…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough CONTRACTOR Davey is making rapid progress with the construction of the 20 chains of Wells road, for which he was the successful tenderer. Mr. Davey has a reputation as a capable contractor. Wells road is undoubtedly destined to become the natural relief channel for the ever-increasing motor traffic to the popular bayside, and it is realised that in the near future it will become necessary to complete the construction of this road right through to Frankston. The Dandenong council is at present constructing its unmade portion of Wells road to its boundary at Eel-race road, Contractor…
THIRTY-five years after first being mooted, and after countless effort by volunteers, and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, the plan for a sound shell on the Western Port foreshore has officially been killed off. The proposal was left off the Hastings Foreshore Masterplan last year, and the Mornington Peninsula Shire has confirmed it will not go ahead. One of the long-term proponents of the project and a member of the Western Port Soundshell Committee, Brian Stahl OAM, has expressed his disappointment and dismay at the outcome. “Those involved in the project are at a loss that after so many…
ANOTHER unseemly episode occurred in the grim tussle betwixt Mornington and Frankston on Saturday last. It occurred in the third quarter, on the High street side of the oval, where the noisiest of the barrackers had congregated. They gave trouble the best part of the day, and were only kept in check by the presence of Constable Graham, who did his best to keep the playing space cleared. Earlier in the match there had been two fights, but on each occasion George Cook intervened and prevented the sparks becoming flames. He is to be commended for his sportsmanlike action in…
MR. J. D. Jennings (president of the Frankston Progress Association), and Mr. J. Bradbury, jun., waited on the Council last Friday in support of the proposal of the Progress Association to place bowling greens and tennis courts on the road reserve alongside Mornington road on the town side of The Fernery. Mr. Jennings said the scheme, if given effect to would supply a longfelt want. The site chosen was a good one, and the bowling greens would be a great asset to the town. Mr. Bradbury said the plans, drawn by an architect, were before the council and conveyed an…
IN last Wednesday’s issue I explained that in future we must get an ambulance of our own or go without one, so it will be wise for us to consider what system we will adopt. I outlined the Victorian system, so that the most suitable service must be adopted. In Queensland they have the best ambulance system in the World. In any part of Queensland any person who needs an ambulance can have one at any time free of charge. Only persons who can afford it are expected to contribute according to their means. They own their ambulance buildings, both…