Author: Cameron McCullough

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughAFTER a residence of about five years in Frankston, as mechanic in charge of the telephone system on the Peninsula, Mr. R. E. Fairnie will take his departure on the 17th inst. for Ararat, to which district he has been transferred to take up a similar position to which he filled here.During Mr. Fairnie’s stay in this district he has made himself very popular with those with whom he came in contact, and has taken a leading part in most of the amusements of the town and district.He was secretary of the Frankston Football Club for two…

Homicide Squad detectives have charged a 36-year-old man this morning following the death of another man on Frankston Pier yesterday. The man, of no fixed address, has been charged with murder. The charge follows an incident where officers were called to the pier, which runs off Pier Promenade, following reports of an alleged assault just after 6am on Saturday 29 June. Officers found a man injured and unresponsive on the pier. A 45-year-old Cranbourne North man died at the scene. Shortly after, another man was arrested by police on the foreshore nearby. The man will appear before Melbourne Magistrates’ Court…

A man has been arrested by police following the death of another man on Frankston Pier this morning. Officers were called to the pier, which runs off Pier Promenade, following reports of an assault halfway down the pier just after 6am. Attending officers found a man injured and unresponsive on the pier. The man sadly died at the scene. Another man was arrested by responding police on the foreshore nearby shortly after the incident. He is currently assisting police with their enquiries. The area has been cordoned off and a crime scene established. Homicide Squad detectives are investigating and at…

IN a record turnout at a special general meeting on 2 April, members of the Hastings Cricket and Football Social Club voted to place the organisation into liquidation.The dire situation of the club had been caused by the venue’s gaming machines. Declining use of the machines coupled with soaring government charges and taxes on gaming have changed the profits from the machines into losses, with attempts to negotiate with the state government regarding the situation failing.Although the task was grim, those present had their eyes firmly on the future. “There was an incredibly positive attitude in the room,” said club…

Police have arrested a man allegedly in possession of prohibited weapons during a search at a storage facility in Langwarrin. Detectives from the Caulfield Divisional Response Unit executed a search warrant at a storage facility on McClelland Drive, Langwarrin, just after 10pm on 2 April. During the search, police uncovered a range of weapons, including a 3D printed handgun, ten rifles, two shotguns, a substantial amount of ammunition, tasers and an explosive device. A 33-year-old Carrum Downs man is assisting police with enquiries.

It’s an administrative error for the ages, and one that has endured for 160 years, but ‘Mornington’ will be returned to its former name, ‘Schnapper Point’, after it was discovered it was never officially changed. The area was originally known as ‘Schnapper Point’, but in 1864 was mysteriously changed overnight to ‘Mornington’ by a shopkeeper of the time, Thomas Allchin (pictured). It is believed the name derived from the second Earl of Mornington, Richard Colley Wellesley (1760 – 1842), a man of Irish and Great Britain peerage, who is most famous for inventing smash avocado on toast. But the name…

IT WILL be a matter of short-term pain for long-term gain if the committee of the Hastings Cricket and Football Social Club recommendation succeeds in placing the organisation into a voluntary creditors wind-up at a special general meeting next month.The committee has spent months trying to find a pathway forward from a dire financial situation caused by the venue’s gaming machines, but now believes the wind-up is the only way out. Declining use of the machines coupled with soaring government charges and taxes on gaming have changed the profits from the machines into losses, with attempts to negotiate with the…

Mornington Peninsula Crime Investigation Unit detectives are appealing for public assistance after an elite racing bicycle was stolen from a home in Capel Sound, early last month. Investigators believe unknown offenders have gained access to the garage at the Brendel Street home, between 5 and 12 February. The bicycle, thought to be worth around $8000, is distinctive in style with its DRAPAC racing team colours paint scheme. The bicycle holds great sentimental value to the victim, given their association with the now disbanded DRAPAC team. Investigators have released images of bicycles that are similar in appearance to the bike that…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughYESTERDAY afternoon a little event which in years to come will assume historical importance, took place on the old Cranbourne road reserve, when a working-bee, under the direction of Cr. F. H. Wells, commenced the clearing of the site to be occupied by the Frankston High School. Despite the short notice given, there was a fair muster of people, the ladies, as usual, predominating. The men will have the opportunity of remedying this state of affairs, as many other “bees” are to be held on the same spot.The next gathering will take place on Saturday afternoon, 16th…

JAYDEN Hamilton is only 16 years old but is quickly climbing the ranks in the motor racing industry. Starting out in karts in 2019, the year 11 student from Mornington recently competed in his first Australian Formula Open race in a F4 car, placing third, and has been courted for racing in the United States and Europe.“It all started with my dad signing me up to a young driver program at Le Mans Karting in Melbourne,” said Jayden. “Then covid came along, and it got delayed. Once 2022 hit, I was back into it and would practice anytime I could.”…

ON Monday evening; while driving along the Point Nepean Road, near Martin’s Road, Seaford, Mr. Alexander Waddell Fergusson, draper, of Main Street, Mordialloc, saw some children in the road. He sounded his horn, and the children moved to the side of the road. One poor little fellow, however, who appeared to get confused, ran back again, and as a result was struck by the car driven by Mr. Fergusson, and run over. He was at once conveyed to Dr. Maxwell’s surgery, at Frankston, where upon arrival life was found to be extinct. The little boy, who proved to be Alexander…

MR. Cyril Cameron, 38, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Port Melbourne, visited Frankston last Tuesday, and on Thursday morning it was reported that he had been found in the camp of a contractor named Hodgins, on Humphries Road, about three miles from the town. He was in a pitiable condition, and on examination it was found that he had been shot in the chest. The police had him removed to Frankston, where he was attended by Dr. Maxwell. He explained that he was examining an automatic revolver, when it went off and wounded him in the chest. Mr.…

ON Saturday evening last a number of the public were somewhat inconvenienced by the failure of the electric light. Our representative therefore at once proceeded to make inquiries as to the cause thereof. The facts were as follows: On Saturday afternoon Mr. Findlay, of Melbourne Road, Frankston, had engaged some men to take down some large pine trees, about 5.45pm. One of these fouled the high and low tension wires, breaking both, as a result of which the whole of the services became disorganised. Mr. Quartermain, the Council’s manager, was at once apprised of the fact, and with commendable promptitude…

After weeks of pressure and protests at the selection of The Briars wildlife sanctuary for Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience, it appears the location is being reconsidered. In a brief statement posted to the shire’s Facebook page approximately 2pm today (8/2/24) the shire wrote, attributable to CEO John Baker; “Together with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, Mornington Peninsula Shire is re-evaluating the current location of the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest Experience at The Briars in Mount Martha. We will have more information soon.” The shire’s social media post follows an email from Peter van Roden, Senior Vice President,…

YET another attempt to alienate Crown lands adjoining the front bench in Sorrento is in progress. The public know well the two beautiful points jutting out into Port Phillip Bay on the south-east side of the Sorrento steamboat pier known as The Sisters. From the point nearest to the pier, as well as the farther one, which is already alienated, a be beautiful panoramic view of the bay is to be seen. Marked expressions of annoyance and disgust were quickly followed by an expressed determination to prevent any further alienation of the foreshore for anything but public purposes. The reported…

Police will prepare a report for the coroner following the death of a man at Rye Pier this morning. Emergency services were called following reports a scuba diver had been pulled from the water about 10am. It’s understood the man was located unconscious in the water by other scuba divers. He was pulled onto the pier where they commenced CPR. Emergency services continued CPR but sadly the man, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene. Police will investigate the exact circumstance around the incident and prepare a report for the coroner.

“SAFETY first,” is what Mr. M. Jacobs, cab proprietor, believes in. The remark originated owing to the question of cutting the overhanging trees. The matter will come up for discussion probably at the next meeting of the Council. Yesterday Mr. Morris Jacobs, the well known Frankston cab proprietor, called at “The Standard” office and invited the Editor to spare 10 minutes to take a drive along Melbourne Road. Mr. Jacobs’ request was not prompted by anxiety to give the Editor a “breather” from the grind of office routine. He simply wished to demonstrate that cause existed for the complaint he…

FRANKSTON is to have its High School after waiting patiently for a number of years. Sir Alexander Peacock, in granting the request, stressed the point that the school was not for Frankston alone. Specifications for the new building would be prepared at once. He hoped to have the pleasure of laying the foundation stone. Yesterday, according to promise, Sir Alexander Peacock, Minister for Education, visited Frankston, for the purpose of inspecting the site for a High School. *** Bravery to be Recognised A proposal to make the heroes of the recent gallant rescues Life Members of the Frankston Life Saving…

AS suggested by a correspondent in the last issue of “The Standard,” a movement has been initiated to give public recognition of the bravery of Bryan Lane, Colin Robinson and Ray Coxall, who were instrumental in saving persons from drowning at Frankston recently. In another column Cr. W. P. Mason invites the residents to attend a public meeting, to be held at the Shire Hall, Frankston, on Monday next, at 8pm, to discuss the matter. Yesterday Mrs. Morgan, the mother of the young lady, who was rescued by Bryan Lane and Colin Robinson, called at “The Standard” office, and expressed…

WHILE driving home from the Show yesterday, Mr. C. E. Bright, Deputy Postmaster-General, who was accompanied by Mrs. Bright, met with an accident which, fortunately, was attended with no serious results. It appears that while proceeding up Oliver’s Hill, the bolt connecting the shaft and the buggy broke, causing the shaft to drop. Mrs. Bright was thrown out, and the horse breaking the trace, ran into the fence. Mr. Bright, who was driving, held on to the reins until the horse got clear of the harness, was also thrown out. Luckily both Mr. and Mrs. Bright escaped without any serious…

Police will prepare a report for the Coroner following the death of a man in Rye this afternoon. Emergency services were called following reports a man was found unresponsive in waters near the Bay Trail boat ramp, about 3pm. The man, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene. The exact circumstances surrounding the incident are yet to be determined but the death is not being treated as suspicious.

THE Chelsea Hotel question again came before the Licensing Court held recently. On the Bench sat Messrs. Barr (chairman), Loch, and Tanner, P.M. Mr. Maginnis, for the petitioners, stated that he regretted he would have to ask the Court to proceed in the absence of Mr. Williams, the objectors’ counsel. He read a letter he had received from Mr. Williams, to the effect it was agreed that this day’s argument should be heard by the Bench only, if he, Mr. Williams, could arrange to be present. He failed to effect an agreement with the petitioners in the matter. Therefore he…

WHEN the skies close over and turn grey, Portsea resident Brian Douglas nervously looks upwards and begins to prepare for what’s to come. A soak pit on Mornington Peninsula Shire Council land behind his Franklin Road property has been defective for years, resulting in the flooding of his yard, even in moderate rain. “It has been an ongoing saga that we have tried to resolve through the shire’s systems, but we have quite literally got nowhere,” Douglas said. He first contacted the shire about the flooding pit four years ago but heard nothing back. He persevered, and about 18 months…

AT Friday’s Council meeting the Health Committee reported that after full investigation it recommended that the “Fecto” system of sanitation be adopted, together with the Carrum by-law relating to same. Cr. Mason said the Council intended doing all possible to safeguard the health of the people. It was proposed that an order be given for 700 “Fecto” appliances. The total number of premises to be served would be about 800. Some owners already had various systems installed. These would not be interfered with, provided they were satisfactory. Cr. McCulloch objected to the Council being tied down to one system. Cr.…

PETER Gordon Hannah, an ex-constable of police, appeared, on Tuesday, before Messrs. Armstrong (chairman) Oates, and Brown, J.’sP., on remand from the City Court, and was charged with having, on the 18th inst., shot with intent to murder Senior Constable James Culhane, and Constable James Alexander Graham. Sub-Inspector Spratling prosecuted, Detective Sergeant Armstrong assisting. Accused was defended by Mr. E. F. S. England. In outlining the case Sub-Inspector Spratling detailed the happenings from the time accused was seen in the Prince of Wales Hotel, up to the time the shooting took place. James Culhane, senior constable, sworn, said “that on…

ON Friday last in the school grounds the pupils were entertained to a lecture by Mr. Chas. Long, M.A. on “The Early Discoveries in Port Phillip Bay”. A large number of parents and friends accepted Mr. Jenning’s invitation, amongst whom were included the following old pioneers, Messrs. Tom. McComb (oldest resident), Joseph McComb, David Kelly and Miss Carr; younger residents noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Evans, jnr., Mr., Mrs. and Miss Jennings, Mesdame’s, Amor, Legge, Bradbury and Stanton and Messrs. Evans, senr., and Lind (ex-president of the A.N.A.) Mr. Jennings, in introducing Mr. Long, said that he was very pleased…

EARLY on Sunday morning last while putting a prisoner into the cell at the watch-house, on a charge of drunkenness, Senior–Constable Culhane and Constable Graham were wounded, the result of revolver shots. From details to hand, it appears that the two officers mentioned had arrested a man named Hannah, a former policeman, lately stationed at Brighton, on a charge of drunkenness, and while locking him up a shot rang out. Constable Graham fell to the ground. Senior-Constable Culhane, who was turning out the light, rushed to the assistance of his fellow officer, when another shot was fired, striking the senior…

AT last Friday’s meeting of the shire council a letter was read from Mr. Hanson, chief inspector of secondary schools, in reply to one from the shire secretary, relating to a telephone message. Mr. Hanson said: “I telephoned, informing you that money for a new High School at Frankston was provided on the estimates, but I added that I had urged the Minister to reconsider the whole position of site. This the Minister had promised to do, and a visit to Frankston would be arranged later.” Mr. Hanson continued: I might add that my own personal view is entirely opposed…

MISS Lecky, lady clerk at Mr. D. Gellately’s Agency, Chelsea, was unlucky enough to lose a bag containing her week’s wages and a few shillings over, on Saturday last. She was setting out from the office for Henley at the time. She discovered her loss before reaching the station. The bag contained, in addition to the cash, a few visiting cards with the young lady’s name and address thereon. Whoever found it will surely return it, on hearing that it is the young lady’s week’s wages, which is certainly a severe loss. Whoever retains it is a poor sport indeed.…

A huge blaze has destroyed a restaurant in Main Street, Mornington. Fire took hold of the newly-opened Colt restaurant at 9a Main Street, resulting in the evacuation of surrounding buildings. Flames billowed from the structure and a thick layer of smoke covered the beach end of Main Street. Fire units responded from Frankston and nearby brigades with brigades as far as Dandenong paged over the blaze. It is believed eight or nine fire units fought the blaze. Colt restaurant has been many years in the planning and only began taking bookings about three weeks ago. The restaurant was a return…