AN important announcement appears elsewhere in this issue to the effect that after Wednesday next (April 1, 1925) “The Standard”…
Browsing: 100 Years Ago This Week
Compiled by Cameron McCullough ON Sunday morning last, Mr. H. Stell, of the Peninsula Motor Garage, Bay Street, Frankston, was…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughON Saturday the Somerville Tennis Club was entertained by the members of the Naval Base tennis team.…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughJust as we go to press a reputable ratepayer advises us that this morning he witnessed the…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough SHORTLY after seven o’clock on Friday night last, a storm of more than average violence swept…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughMR. E. P. Davies, the radio expert of Bay street, Frankston is installing a complete wireless set…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough The residents of Mornington and district will be glad to learn that in a few months…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough THE enthusiastic members of the Frankston branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. are justly proud men today, for…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough ON Sunday afternoon, Mr. Frank Duffy, assistant S.M. at Seaford, underwent the dangerous and distressing experience…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughEARLY this (Wednesday) morning Wallis Wright, aged 38, of 14 Mackey Street, Essendon, was drowned while bathing…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughACCORDING to the report of a number of fishermen and people fishing off the Mornington pier, a…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughWHILE business people were brightening up their shop fronts and making their show windows attractive; while the…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughTHAT “the pen is mightier than the sword,” is an acknowledged truism. Strong drink, so saith the…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough DURING the monthly sitting of the Council on Friday last, what may be termed as the…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughON Friday next, the civic fathers will again sit around the council table in solemn conclave, as…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough IN view of the fact that the council on Friday, 5th December – that being the…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughTHE mineral possibilities of Frankston are not fully realised,and in that direction it is interesting to learn…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough DURING the Great War of 1914-18 many soldiers – typical Britishers in every sense of the…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough BEFORE Cr. W. Stephens, (Deputy Coroner) an inquest was held at the Carrum police station on…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough IT is compatible with sound reason and commonsense that an immediate investigation be made into the…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughAN unauthenticated statement reached “The Standard” office yesterday to the effect that the Government contemplated expending £20,000…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughTHROUGH official channels we learnt that on Sunday morning last, at 2 o’clock, an attempt was made…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough AN interesting case was heard at the Chelsea Court on Monday, before Messrs. Cohen, P.M., and…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough“IT pays to advertise,” is a trite maxim, and in so far as “The Standard” is concerned…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughON Sunday afternoon last, about 3.45 o’clock, Joan Fry, a daughter of Mrs. E. Fray, proprietress of…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough MR. W. Evans, of Dandenong road, Frankston, was attending his cow on Monday morning last, when,…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughUNDER very tragic circumstances, the death of Mr. Walter Victor Fitzsimmons, fish merchant, of Bay street, Frankston,…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough “HULLO! Earth!” was the startling greeting received by the writer who had established himself with a…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughABOUT 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon, Mr. John Sloan, J.P., of Orrong Road, Toorak, was driving a…
Compiled by Cameron McCulloughON Friday last at about 12.45, W. McTaggart, son of Seaford’s popular butcher, was driving a horse…