FIVE footy mates have completed an epic journey cycling across Australia with the aim to raise money and awareness for mental health. Break the Cycle consists of five middle aged men – Tim Allen, Guy Stringer, Brent Loughrey, Ben Adam and Tony Lockett, who have pushed through physical and mental boundaries, riding 3,500km from Perth to Melbourne in 19 days. “Our challenge aims to support our community and make a difference by fundraising for not-for-profit organisations Speak & Share, It’s okay not to be okay, and Peninsula Health network,” said participant Brent Loughrey “Together, we can create a community that…
Browsing: Feature
Students at Balnarring Primary School are rolling up their sleeves as they prepare for Schools Clean Up Day early next year. With tongs, buckets and gloves in hand, students are excited for the environmental event to be held on February 28 – with registrations having opened on 4 November. The event, which celebrates its 35th anniversary next year, is one of the most practical ways to engage kids in litter prevention, sustainability, community, and teamwork.Balnarring Primary School has a Balnarring Way program to care for the environment. They are a litter free school who run whole school working bees at…
PHIL Mapleback has expressed excitement at taking helm as Mt Martha fire brigade’s newly elected captain as the station undergoes a significant revamp. Mapleback, a seasoned firefighter with almost 19 years of experience, said he was incredibly proud and honoured to step into the new role two months ago, bringing a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to serving the community.“It’s challenging but quite rewarding,” he told The News, adding he looked forward to leading a dedicated team of volunteers during an exciting time of renewal for the station, marking a milestone in the station’s 73-year history.The 1951-built station…
THIS November, Australia’s leading swim school GOswim at Yawa Aquatic Centre has partnered with Bondi Rescue lifeguard Bruce ‘Hoppo’ Hopkins for the nation’s largest water safety and learn to swim campaign of the year. The ‘Float to Survive with GOswim’ initiative aims to spread the message on how to stay afloat in emergency aquatic situations ahead of summer, starting with 60,000 GOswim students across Australia.The campaign comes in response to alarming figures from the 2024 National Drowning Report, which shows drownings have increased by 16% over the past year compared to the 10-year average, with the Mornington Peninsula LGA also…
By Kennedy McCullough AN estimated 580 women couch surf, sleep in their cars or sleep rough every night on the Mornington Peninsula. The high cost of living makes rent unaffordable for single women, whether they have children or not, with pandemic-induced population growth and short-stay tourism worsening the situation. Coupled with insufficient government-funded crisis shelters, a desperate need has arisen to support at-risk women and children on the Mornington Peninsula.Women’s Community Shelters (WCS) have begun the process of establishing their first Victorian-based shelter on the peninsula. It will provide crisis accommodation for up to 70 clients within the first year…
A BALNARRING-based charity providing support for disadvantaged families, unpaid carers, children with disabilities and women recovering from family violence, has celebrated 35 years on the Mornington Peninsula. To mark the milestone occasion, Saltbush Balnarring Beach threw open its doors on Saturday 19 October, welcoming more than 250 visitors to an open day to showcase its property and services.“The open day was a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work we’ve been doing on the property; the impact it makes to those we serve and to share our vision for a future where we offer a link between a healthy natural environment…
AUTHORITIES are encouraging beachgoers to be vigilant of the threatened shorebird; the hooded plover, as they begin nesting on sandy beaches and coastal dunes.Hooded plovers, which are known to nest on the peninsula, are listed as a vulnerable species, with around 700 left in Victoria. The native birds lay eggs in shallow sand scrapes and raise their chicks on beaches between August and March.As part of National Bird Week (October 18-24), the Conservation Regulator, Parks Victoria, and BirdLife Australia have launched Operation Save our Hoodies (SoHo) to educate people to keep well clear of nests, walk along the waterline, and…
GLENN Browne was a merchant seaman for almost 20 years. He sailed the world on all sorts of vessels and had salt air in his blood. He believed his future would be working on ships until he was too old to walk the gangway. But one day in August 2020, his entire life turned upside down.“I woke up with a pain in my jaw, but I didn’t think much of it. I drove to a mate’s bakery and clipped another car on the way. It was very unlike me to have an accident. “When I arrived at the bakery, I…
A MT MARTHA family has taken Halloween festivities to spine-tingling heights after turning their front yard into a frightful spectacle.“It’s something we do every year and it’s gotten bigger and bigger every year; we just love it because it just brings the whole community together,” Sarah said of her Lynch Court home. “Every year we get about 400 trick-or-treaters … you can’t even drive down the street, there’s just kids everywhere.” Sarah said her kids Harvey (pictured), Hadley and Hugo look forward to Halloween for all the adventure it creates. The home’s un-boo-lievable display covers the whole front lawn and…
MOONLIT Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park and Western Port Biosphere have joined forces to launch a new project to save the region’s precious koala population. Named the Western Port Koala Corridor Project, the initiative aims to create a network of trees throughout the UNESCO listed Western Port Biosphere to allow koalas and other vulnerable species to move safely between areas of bushland. The project will also address the growing threats faced koalas as their numbers have rapidly dropped due to habitat destruction, disease, dog attacks, and road hazards.To help support their populations, the project is seeking to engage dedicated community volunteers…
FOR over 75 years, The Portsea Camp has been a haven and lifeline for thousands of children, providing support to disadvantaged and vulnerable kids through tailored wellness programs and camps.Property developer and philanthropist Max Beck is once again leading the charge with his fellow cyclists to raise vital funds for the “Making a Difference” programs at the camp. Starting the Sorrento Bay Riders 30 years ago, Beck and his fellow riders have raised over $1 million for various charitable organizations. This year, they are on an urgent mission as more and more children seek the services of The Portsea Camp.…
AMBULANCE Victoria is reminding people to update their asthma action plans to stay safe as the weather warms up.Ambulance Victoria (AV) director of emergency management Justin Dunlop said creating an asthma action plan was an easy and potentially lifesaving step. “It’s simple – visit your GP and they can create a plan with you,” he said. “Everyone’s asthma action plan will look different, and it will help you manage your condition, ensuring you don’t find yourself in an emergency. “Follow your asthma action plan, and most importantly, if a person is having difficulty breathing and their reliever medicine is not…
AN author and a casual teacher at a Dromana school has launched a new book that aims to ensure children with additional needs are well supported in their education journey.Anne Vize, also a specialist education teacher, said she was excited to announced her newly published book called Partnerships with Families of Children with Additional Needs. Ms Vize said she wrote the book after realising how many teachers and early years workers found it challenging to work with families even though they are often confident teaching children. “This latest book helps teachers understand different family experiences, the impact caring can have…
THE Mornington & District Historical Society is celebrating 60 years of service to the Mornington district and wider Mornington Peninsula. Great vision established the museum, and 60 years of voluntary service has kept it strong. Over that time, an incredible amount of volunteer hours have gone into not just for opening the museum, but documenting and caring for the collection, answering people’s questions, speaking to various groups and helping school children be enthused and interested in history.Located at the Old Post Office Museum (corner of Main Street and the Esplanade), they are open Sundays between 12.30pm and 3pm and encourage…
SEVENTEEN-year-old Austin Blight has no memory of the moment his life was nearly taken while training at a Rosebud gym. The Padua College year 12 student had been lifting weights at Yawa Aquatic Centre in July when, “out of the blue”, he suffered a heart attack and collapsed. Staff members immediately stepped in and began CPR before using a defibrillator to deliver two life-saving electric shocks needed to restore Austin’s heartbeat, before paramedics arrived. He was taken to Frankston Hospital where he was kept in ICU for 24 hours, most of which time he relied on a ventilator to help…
BUS operator Kinetic is inviting applications for the first round of its Moving Communities Fund, with grants of up to $10,000 available to successful community organisations. The company, which is the naming rights sponsor of the Frankston Dolphins home ground, has launched the fund to support community organisations, not-for-profits and other initiatives that improve the livelihoods of communities where Kinetic operates.Kinetic Group CEO Michael Sewards said the grants program was a natural progression in Kinetic’s efforts to support local communities and organisations. “We are incredibly privileged to be in a position to support the outstanding work being done by community…
NINE youth have celebrated their graduation from the Salvation Army’s Tools For The Trade program, which aims to re-engage youths in education and training. Each term, the program provides participants with hands-on experience through learning activities, group work, trade tasters, accredited courses, and selected work experience opportunities. The latest graduation was held on 20 September at the Salvation Army’s Mission Centre in Mount Martha.The nine-week program, assisted through Youth Services Peninsula, is designed to support young people aged 16-21 who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from education, training, employment and community connections. Salvation Army Major Warren Elliott congratulated…
A NEW education facility nestled within the Mornington Peninsula’s very own rainforest will help students learn about the natural environment and the area’s cultural heritage.The Nearkey Biik Education and Environment Centre was formally opened at Endeavour Fern Gully, a 28-hectare National Trust property that is the peninsula’s original rainforest featuring the area’s last remaining sections of indigenous bushland south of Red Hill.The National Trust of Victoria celebrated the official opening on September 6, with the name Nearkey Biik meaning “Take Care of Country”, which was made in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. The name also reflected both…
EIGHT people have died at Mornington Peninsula beaches and waterways over the last year.There were more deaths in Mornington Peninsula coastal areas between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 than there were in any other Victorian municipality. Surf Life Saving Australia’s annual National Coastal Safety Report, released last week, showed that eight people died on the Mornington Peninsula in that timeframe.In total, Surf Life Saving Australia recorded 258 coastal deaths nationally in 2023/2024. 150 died from drowning, with 26 of those drownings occurring in Victoria. More than 80 per cent of drowning victims nationally were male, and every single…
THE RSPCA’s sweetest annual event Cupcake Day is back for its 16th year to raise money for the welfare for its four-legged pals. Schools, businesses, and residents of the Mornington Peninsula are being encouraged to don their aprons and help raise funds to support the RSPCA.“Cupcake Day is a wonderful way for everyone to connect with their community while making a real difference to support animals in need,” RSPCA Victoria events manager Kate Kasby said. “All funds raised go directly to our vital work in rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming animals across Victoria. “Your participation means the world to us and,…
GOLF enthusiasts in Mornington are getting ready to hit the green for a good cause.X-Golf Mornington (virtual indoor golf) has launched its inaugural Starlight Scramble to help brighten the lives of sick children. The fundraiser will run every day until 12 October with the national goal of funding five life-changing Starlight wishes at $7500 per wish. While X-Golf’s sights are set high at raising more than $35,000 they’re confident punters will join in to support the little ones.X-Golf’s Peter Nolan said when sick kids’ worlds are filled with hospitals and treatments, a Starlight Wish was an incredible gift of happiness.…
DAMAGING winds lashed the Mornington Peninsula and Frankston areas last week, causing significant disruption and destroying iconic beach boxes.From 7pm on Sunday September 1 and 3pm on Tuesday September 3, the SES received more than 1500 calls for help in the southern metropolitan region. Of those, 1100 were related to downed trees and more than 400 for building damage. Frankston was the hardest hit with 285 jobs. Hastings SES were called to 176 jobs while Sorrento SES had 130 requests for help.Many beach boxes were severely damaged or ripped apart particularly along Shire Hall Beach after wind speeds as high…
PETER Mitchell spends a lot of time chasing cartoon characters, especially Big Bird from the popular TV series, Sesame Street. He may also be found tracking Bart Simpson, Kermit the Frog, and Snoopy as well as bicycles, running shoes and even circumnavigating New Zealand.Mitchell’s journeys may sound a bit esoteric, but they are all carefully traced, digitally, on a map. The Safety Beach runner follows what he calls a “creative pastime – GPS Art”. Before setting out on a run Mitchell draws his course on a map of the area which is then able to be called up on his…
A DEDICATED team of Peninsula Health doctors and nurses have returned from a journey to Papua New Guinea as part an eight-day medical expedition led by the ‘No Roads Expeditions Foundation’.As one of the world’s most underdeveloped nations, Papua New Guinea grapples with some of the world’s worst health statistics. The country’s fragile health system, compounded by extremely poor health and immunisation outcomes, means there are difficulties accessing adequate health services and facilities.“I was eager to join in on another health expedition in Papua New Guinea as a way of giving to communities that I know are in desperate need,”…
IT is with deep gratitude, and a sense of sadness, that we say goodbye to our friend and colleague, Keith Platt, who is retiring this week.Life can feel like a strung-together series of wins and losses, randomly thrust upon us by an ambivalent universe.One of our great wins was that Keith came to work for us at Mornington Peninsula News Group in 2012 as our group editor.Keith has spent his entire career working in journalism across newspapers, magazines, television and documentary making. When he came to MPNG he was already well-known in the community for his long years at the…
ROSEBUD has been named as one of Australia’s top ten places to retire.Financial technical company Citro says research into retirement destinations showed Rosebud came sixth out of 30 based on such “key factors” as affordability, access to quality health care and a range of lifestyle options. Citro said that with a population of more than 14,000, Rosebud offered “a laidback allure, beachside living and a busy and welcoming community”.Armidale in New South Wales, Ingham, Queensland and Maryborough, Victoria top the rankings as potential retirement destinations.Citro predicted that “regional lifestyle property markets will flourish as more Australians than ever hit retirement…
NEW mum Jessica Baguley was pleased to learn that her newborn daughter Poppy’s birth will help save the life of a helpless baby in Uganda. Jessica’s obstetrician Dr Natalie Elphinstone makes a donation to a charity called Baby Watoto for each baby that she delivers, after discovering the plight of orphaned babies and vulnerable mothers in Watoto, Uganda.Dr Elphinstone gave Jessica a hippopotamus toy, handmade in the Watoto Village, as a keepsake and reminder of this special gift. “I feel so good knowing that my daughter’s birth has helped another pregnant woman and baby who are less fortunate,” said Baguley.…
TRAINS and dancers were on time at the station when Mornington Tourist Railway held its annual rock and roll day at Moorooduc. Above the tracks dancers from Team Richards Dance Studio made their moves to the sounds of the Rockin Daddys Band while the car park featured antique cars, including those from the Ford V8 Club.“Rock and Roll Day has become an annual event at the railway,” tourist railway committee member Owen Paden said. “We work in conjunction with Grant and Maryanne Richards from Team Richards Dance Studio and they bring dozens of dancers to our platform to perform. Some…
IT has been long journey for Judy Tricker to get to her first art exhibition. One where she had to separate herself from other’s expectations, and follow her heart.“As a teenager, I remember being told my drawings were not very good,” said Tricker. “As a result of that, I spent most of my life thinking I wasn’t artistic. That I wasn’t good at art.” Everything changed when, just four years ago, one of Tricker’s friends convinced her to accompany her to an art course. “I went with the usual ‘I can’t paint, I can’t draw, I don’t have an artistic…
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire’s Music Industry Summit on Monday 12 August was a day of collaboration and connection for our music industry. The event, held across five venues in Mornington, brought together prominent musicians, music venues, and industry professionals who shared their invaluable insights and expertise in workshops and panel discussions throughout the day.Attracting some heavy hitters from the Australian music industry, such as Frontier Touring director Gerard Schlaghake, Brad Hinds from OzTix, singer-songwriter Katie Noonan, rocker Dallas Frasca, and Something for Kate’s Clint Hyndman, delegates learned about current trends and opportunities.Panel discussions were lively and centred on various issues currently…