Browsing: 100 years ago this week

Compiled by Cameron McCullough ON Sunday morning last, Mr. H. Stell, of the Peninsula Motor Garage, Bay Street, Frankston, was returning from Mornington in a Hudson Super-Six, after conveying a party to that favourite seaside resort. When approaching the bend leading to the Frankston Pier, a Ford car coming in the opposite direction, also alleged to having been taking up more than a fair share of the roadway, swung in towards the Pier House in front of the car driven by Mr. Stell, who in an endeavour to avoid a collision, negotiated his Super-Six to the right. In so doing,…

Compiled by Cameron McCulloughMR. E. P. Davies, the radio expert of Bay street, Frankston is installing a complete wireless set (4-valve) at the popular Pier Hotel for Mr. G. M. Yuill, the new licensee.Yesterday morning, Mr. Davies was busily engaged testing the set at his well-known parlours when a representative of “The Standard” made his appearance on the scene, and the journalist spent a few minutes listening to a violin solo broadcasted by the 3LO station from Buckley & Nunn’s, Melbourne. Frankston Fire Brigade. Tomorrow Night the Bell Will Ring.When the alarm re-sounds at 8.30 o’clock tomorrow (Thursday) night, do…

Compiled by Cameron McCullough UNDER the above heading an inaccurate and obviously partisan statement regarding the proceedings in the County Court last week, when Cr. Oates sued W. C. Young, publisher of “The Standard,” and Mrs. Wilson, dairywoman, appears in another paper, which, by reason of its ridiculous partiality is referred to by an amused public as “Oates’ Weekly.”The newspaper referred to, in its garbled statement of the case, omits to state that the offer to quash proceedings at the eleventh hour came from Oates’ counsel, and that the only disclaimer asked for was a general assurance from Mr. Young…