Browsing: Conservation

PROPERTY owners have been connected with native vegetation on their properties through the 2023-24 Meet Your Bushland pilot program led by the Mornington Peninsula Landcare network and the Western Port Biosphere Foundation.The program, which included a walk-and-talk with a bushland restoration specialist, also provided the 26 landholders with a comprehensive report detailing the conservation values of their property and outlined the support mechanisms such as grants to aid in conservation efforts. The program finished on 2 June with a community event held at Carranya in Main Ridge, a property that has been undertaking successful restoration over several years. Biosphere spokesperson…

BOATERS are being asked to watch out for southern right whales which have made their seasonal return to Victorian coastal waters. The Conservation Regulator says southern right whales visit Victoria’s coast from May to October to give birth and raise their young.Restrictions on boats include lowering engine noises which can interrupt whispering between mothers and calves to avoid predators. It is believed there are about 300 southern rights left in the south-east population. The endangered whales are vulnerable to vessel strikes, and boaters are being encouraged to watch out for the whales as they have no dorsal fin and can…